Family dog goes berserk and his owners panic when they realize why

Sydney, Australia - A family was happily sunbathing on their deck in Sydney, Australia, when out of nowhere, their dog went completely nuts. What did he see?

A family dog (stock image) wouldn't stop barking, and the snake catcher quickly realized why.
A family dog (stock image) wouldn't stop barking, and the snake catcher quickly realized why.  © Collage: 123RF/alexeitm/Facebook/Screenshot/@wildspec

When the agitated pup wouldn't stop barking, the family eventually went to check what was bothering him.

But what they found next under their terrace sent chills down their spines. A brown snake was eye-balling the Australians!

When the venomous snake began to poke its head through the gaps in the panels to get through to the dog and his owner, they decided they had seen enough and called a professional snake catcher working for WILD Conservation to the scene.

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The snake catcher Kane initially thought the reptile would be a whip snake, like most species in South Western Sydney. But he quickly realized he was dealing with a much larger – and more dangerous – intruder: a gigantic Eastern Brown.

As soon as Kane snatched after her, the serpent shot out from under the deck to hide in the bushes of the garden, the Daily Mail reported.

"It was big, strong, unruly and dangerously venomous" - Kane

It was "one of the most dangerous snakes" Kane ever had to handle.
It was "one of the most dangerous snakes" Kane ever had to handle.  © Facebook/Screenshot/@wildspec

A video uploaded by his team on Facebook shows Kane working up a sweat while trying to capture the dangerous animal.

After the sneaky creature continuously escaped his grasp and lunged at the rescuer multiple times, he finally managed to secure the reptile in a snake tube, and breathed a sigh of relief.

He said it was "one of the most dangerous snakes" he ever had to deal with.

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"It was big, strong, unruly and dangerously venomous," he said.

Fortunately, the incident had a happy ending for everyone involved: no one was injured and the Eastern brown was released into bush land far away from the family's home.

Cover photo: Collage: 123RF/alexeitm/Facebook/Screenshot/@wildspec

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