Driver pulled over with giant bull named Howdy Doody riding shotgun

Norfolk, Nebraska - A Nebraska man was pulled over for a traffic stop as he was spotted driving around with a huge animal in his passenger seat.

Police officers in Norfolk, Nebraska pulled over a driver who had a massive Watusi African bull in the passenger seat (stock image).
Police officers in Norfolk, Nebraska pulled over a driver who had a massive Watusi African bull in the passenger seat (stock image).  © IMAGO / Panthermedia

Moo-ve out of the way! The Norfolk Police Division got a call about a driver on the road carrying some bizarre cargo.

"The officers received a call referencing a car driving into town that had a cow in it," explained Police Captain Chad Reiman to News Channel North-East Nebraska. "They thought that it was going to be a calf, something small or something that would actually fit inside the vehicle."

Turns out the passenger of the vehicle was a Watusi bull, a giant cattle animal from Africa that's well-known for its massive horns.

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An officer promptly pulled over the car on Wednesday, noticing that it was modded by the driver to somehow fit the large mammal in the seat.

The driver, Lee Meyer, informed the officer that the bull's name was Howdy Doody, and somehow managed to get off with only a warning.

"The officer wrote him some warnings," Reiman said. "There were some citable issues with that situation. The officer chose to write him a warning and ask him to take the animal back home and leave the city."

Some heavy cargo indeed.

Cover photo: IMAGO / Panthermedia

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