Driver lets a few geese pass – then she realizes the hilarious truth!

Ohio - Libby Hackett stopped her car thinking she was going to take a short break to let a few geese pass. Then she looked to her left and saw a total goose-pocalypse!

Libby Hackett stopped her car thinking she was going to take a short break to let a few geese pass. Then she looked to her left and saw a goose-pocalypse!
Libby Hackett stopped her car thinking she was going to take a short break to let a few geese pass. Then she looked to her left and saw a goose-pocalypse!  © Screenshot/TikTok/@libbyhackettphotography

Libby was driving in her home state of Ohio this month when she saw a couple of geese crossing the road from a distance.

Naturally, the driver stopped to let the animals pass.

Because she found the sight of the birds rather cute, Hackett pulled out her cell phone to take a video of the spectacle.

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"I thought it was going to be such a sweet video of a couple dozen geese at most," the animal lover recently told The Dodo.

However, poor Libby was proven wrong the moment she panned her camera to the left to film the rest of the geese!

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Looking to her left, Libby Hackett witnessed an XXL goose march.
Looking to her left, Libby Hackett witnessed an XXL goose march.  © Screenshot/TikTok/@libbyhackettphotography

"My husband and daughter were in the car, too, and he said something along the lines of, 'Oh my goodness, look to the left,'" Hackett explained.

"And so I panned to the left."

To her left of their car the family was stunned to see that there were a lot more geese waddling their way – all eager to cross the road.

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The clip has been well received since it appeared on TikTok, where Hacket posted it on July 7. Since then, the viral hit has received more than 23 million views and counting!

"These geese are very well known to the locals. They pass over this road regularly because there's a pond on the side they're heading to," Hacket said.

"But admittedly, I was taken aback by how many there were that day. I had never seen a flock that huge!"

She and her family therefore had to wait several minutes for the curious moment to pass, but they gratefully accepted the delay.

"We couldn't believe it. We were so excited to be witnessing something so cool," she said. "We were happy to wait for them."

Cover photo: Screenshot/TikTok/@libbyhackettphotography

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