Wolf and German Shepherd mix wows in real life and on TikTok!
Clearwater, Florida - This dog is making TikTok howl with excitement at his wild looks!

Rheager is a mix between a German shepherd and an actual wolf, so it's no wonder he gets a lot of attention wherever he show up.
In his most viral TikTok video to date, a woman on a bike stops to ask what kind of pooch this yellow-eyed specimen is.
Rheager's owner Rico proudly explains the hound's extraordinary heritage, which leaves the woman shocked.
"He's docile?" she asks, to which Rico replies: "With humans, he's very relaxed. With dogs, he wants to play, but other dogs kind of get, like, afraid of him, you know?"
While Rheager might struggle to make friends among his own kind, he's clearly very popular with people, as the video finishes on a compliment: "He's beautiful!"
That's what the consensus seems to be whenever this four-legged sensation goes out on a walk, as Rico shows over multiple videos. The clips follow the same format, with the unique mix stopping passers-by on the streets of Clearwater, Florida, in their tracks.
In response to the many questions about his pet that he gets online, Rico also revealed that Rheager is a rescue dog. All the more reason to visit your local shelter – you might get a wild surprise!
Cover photo: instagram.com/rico.n.rheager