Tiny dog's unusual method for climbing stairs has TikTokers giggling!

Downers Grove, Illinois - Dachshund-Chihuahua mix Diego has gone viral on TikTok thanks to the small dog's rather unique way of getting up the stairs!

Dachshund-Chihuahua mix Diego has gone viral on TikTok thanks to the small dog's rather unique way of getting up the stairs!
Dachshund-Chihuahua mix Diego has gone viral on TikTok thanks to the small dog's rather unique way of getting up the stairs!  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@diegovsstairs

In the clip, the pup, who lives in Downers Grove, Illinois, is seen in action as he works to "conquer" the stairs!

To do so, the four-legged friend came up with an unusual approach.

Instead of simply hopping up one step at a time, Diego runs from the right side of the step to the left before climbing up.

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The dog repeats this procedure step by step – alternating sides as he goes – until he suddenly plucks up courage at the end and hops up the last two steps one after the other.

The hilarious technique quickly made Diego a social media superstar, and the video has racked up over 100,000 likes since it was posted last month.

In an interview with Newsweek, Diego's owner, Justin Cubillos, shared more details about the pup's clever tactic!

Diego has a bit of "little dog syndrome"

Diego came up with his climbing method five years ago and has been doing it ever since.
Diego came up with his climbing method five years ago and has been doing it ever since.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@diegovsstairs

"When we first moved to our house from a condo, he would bark at the bottom of the stairs until we carried him up," Justin explained.

That was five years ago, and the dog owner explained that Diego came up with his climbing method shortly after, and he's been doing it ever since!

Nevertheless, the stairs are still Diego's greatest weakness to this day, which Justin believes is also due to his dog's background.

"The shelter said they had to hand-feed him because his brothers would pick on him. So, he's always had 'little dog syndrome,'" he explained.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@diegovsstairs

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