The sweet bond between a golden retriever and calico cat has the internet gushing!

Minnesota - Cats and dogs are basically mortal enemies, right? Ben from Minnesota was a little worried when he got a cat and a golden retriever at the same time, as he was afraid they'd fight. Luckily, his dog Nash and his cat named Nala have become the best of friends and are now making everyone grin!

The internet can't stop gushing over the relationship between this golden retriever and calico cat.
The internet can't stop gushing over the relationship between this golden retriever and calico cat.  © Collage: screenshot/TikTok/nashypaws

Ben has been making TikTok users swoon over the animals' cuteness since he started posting clips of his dynamic cat and dog duo in March.

One particular clip of the two cuties has gone wildly viral. The subtitle of the clip reads: "Thinking that adopting a cat and getting a retriever at the same time was a bad idea."

It kicks off with the calico cat giving the puppy Nash a good old slap in the face. In the next clip, the puppy tries to bite the cat, who swats at him. At one point, Nash tries to see if he can eat Nala in one big dog bite.

Cat gets into fierce meowing battle – with himself!
Cats Cat gets into fierce meowing battle – with himself!

But this animosity gives way to friendship as the rest of the clip shows the two animals growing up and getting closer. The end is a montage of the two cuddling and sleeping together. They've clearly become buddies.

This TikTok vid has become a raging success. More than 33.5 million users have watched it since March 23. It even boasts a shocking 7.5 million likes.

The friendship between this cat and dog is all about cuddles

These two animals are clearly content in each other's company.
These two animals are clearly content in each other's company.  © Collage: screenshots/TikTok/nashypaws

According to Ben, the owner of these two, they can have a "love/hate" relationship.

He told Newsweek, "They don't really fight. They are more just content with each other." He added, "They cuddled and laid together more often when they were younger but now it's less common."

The two buddies still cuddle together at night, according to Ben. "Most of the time it's later at night or when we go to bed they both tend to lay next to each other in bed with us," he said.

This cat and dog are clearly at ease with each other. It is a pleasure to see, and millions of TikTok users agree!

Cover photo: Collage: screenshot/TikTok/nashypaws

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