Sweet puppy born without front legs can't contain her joy for life

Saint Petersburg, Florida - As an experienced foster mother, Hannah Sand has already taken care of many dogs, but Chihuahua puppy "Belly" is a special case, as the animal was born without front legs.

Foster mother Hannah Sand is currently looking after a Chihuahua puppy who was born without front legs.
Foster mother Hannah Sand is currently looking after a Chihuahua puppy who was born without front legs.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@hannah_sand24

In February, Hannah was entrusted with several Chihuahua puppies by the rescue organization Rags to Riches Animal Rescue.

The young woman will look after them until they are old enough to be placed in their forever homes.

In addition to Sirius, Dobby, and Hedwig, she also got ahold of the light-beige female Chihuahua, who was named Belly.

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And as if she knew the meaning of her name, the pup loves having her belly rubbed – until the animal contentedly falls asleep on her carer's neck, that is!

Numerous videos on Hannah's TikTok account prove this, as it quickly became clear that the dog, who was born without front legs, had what it takes to become a star "pupfluencer."

Belly's clips are wildly popular on TikTok and have already been viewed millions of times with enthusiastic comments.

Belly the puppy dog is learning to walk with a walking aid

Hannah is currently still looking for a suitable walking aid to enable the dog to get around better, but says that she's doing well in the training process.
Hannah is currently still looking for a suitable walking aid to enable the dog to get around better, but says that she's doing well in the training process.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@ragstorichesanimalrescu, @hannah_sand24

Thousands of excited users have already offered to adopt Belly.

In the meantime, however, Hannah and the dog have mastered everyday life together.

They just have to do things in Belly's own special way!

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Hannah is currently still looking for a suitable walking aid to enable the dog to get around better, but says that she's doing well in the training process.

Although Belly the puppy is missing some limbs, the little one seems to have all the more zest for life and is spreading her attitude to millions of Internet users.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@hannah_sand24

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