Stray dog saves lost mountaineer at 15,000 feet altitude: "I've got a new guide"

Huaraz, Peru - A British tourist got lost in the dense fog of the Peruvian mountains, but an unexpected encounter with a friendly dog helped him find his way back to safety.

A British tourist got lost in the dense fog of the Peruvian mountains, but an unexpected encounter with a friendly dog helped him find his way back to safety.
A British tourist got lost in the dense fog of the Peruvian mountains, but an unexpected encounter with a friendly dog helped him find his way back to safety.  © Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@elgueroingles

When Jake was separated from his group on the second day of his hike on the famous Santa Cruz Circuit, he never thought he would have such an extraordinary encounter.

At an altitude of around 15,000 feet, the Englishman got lost in the dense fog and struggled with disorientation.

Suddenly, a stray dog appeared from out of nowhere.

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Wagging its tail, the animal came towards him and Jake decided to follow it.

"What on earth are you doing up here?" Jake says in the video. "I've got a new guide."

The four-legged friend seemed to know the routes around the mountain very well, led him safely back to the right path, and accompanied him to the summit where Jake finally met up with his hiking group again.

A local explained to the tourist that the stray dogs in the area often follow hikers up to the summit, almost as if they had special training as mountain guides.

Thrilled by this unexpected help, Jake captured the moment and shared the story with his followers on Instagram and TikTok to viral success!

Cover photo: Bildmontage: Screenshot/Instagram/elgueroingles

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