Shelter dogs finally get to relax thanks to groundbreaking innovation!

San Diego, California - The San Diego Humane Society made a groundbreaking change to their shelter: they added soundproof kennels with special angles. Thanks to the new addition, their dogs can finally relax!

This California shelter dogs have some very special kennels designed to help them chill!
This California shelter dogs have some very special kennels designed to help them chill!  © Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/sdhumanesociety

"This is something we've never seen before in a shelter setting," said Dr. Gary Weitzman, President and CEO of the San Diego Humane Society, told Newsweek.

"Since the opening of this new building, our dogs seem much calmer and often just sleep or relax in their kennels," he continued.

The reason the pups can now relax is that the new building boasts soundproofed habitats and is designed so that they cannot see each other. This setup has created something in short supply in the shelter system: peace and quiet.

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The dogs can relax more now that they don't feel like they have to be on guard, promoting a sense of calm for everyone at the shelter.

But the San Diego Humane Society's thoughtful design ideas didn't end with the soundproof dog habitats!

San Diego shelter is focused on creating a relaxed atmosphere for their dogs

Thanks to soundproof kennels and the opportunity to retreat, these dogs can relax.
Thanks to soundproof kennels and the opportunity to retreat, these dogs can relax.  © Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/sdhumanesociety

Dr. Weitzman says the new shelter has other special features. "Other features include carefully selected music to calm animals, pheromone diffusers for particularly anxious pets, and options give animals a break from the eyes of the public so they could truly rest."

Additionally, the dogs' kennels are designed so that they can retreat and hide if visitors' attention is too much for them.

Last month, the San Diego Humane Society posted a video on Instagram that shows how the dogs reacted to the new building.

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Spoiler alert: almost all the dogs are sleeping soundly!

This animal shelter is certainly going above and beyond to make their charges feel comfortable!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/sdhumanesociety

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