Puppy watches as sister is adopted without her in heartbreaking video

South El Monte, California - Dog sisters Fresa and Flor bonded over their difficult start in life, but now the little puppies have suffered another setback after being separated.

Puppy sisters Fresa and Flor bonded over their difficult start in life, but now the little dogs have suffered their next setback after being separated.
Puppy sisters Fresa and Flor bonded over their difficult start in life, but now the little dogs have suffered their next setback after being separated.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@petrescuesolutions

A few days ago, a video from the animal shelter responsible was posted on TikTok, and the bittersweet clip has since touched the hearts of so many users.

"Fresa was found in a paper bag along with her sibling," Eva Rainwater, director of the Pet Rescue Solutions shelter, told Newsweek.

Someone had found the puppies together and dropped them off at the shelter in South El Monte, California.

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The dogs had been inseparable at the shelter, but last week, their happiness came to an end when a young couple decided to take Flor in.

Fresa was left alone, though she was allowed to be there to say goodbye to her sister.

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Fresa the puppy looks sadly into the camera, as if realizing that this is goodbye.
Fresa the puppy looks sadly into the camera, as if realizing that this is goodbye.  © Screenshot/TikTok/@petrescuesolutions

While Flor's new owner beams into the camera with her new pet, Fresa sits a few feet away from her on a crate, observing the moment with confusion.

Shortly afterward, the puppy looks sadly into the camera as if realizing that this is goodbye.

Rainwater confirmed that saying goodbye was difficult for the pup and that "Fresa has been sad and missing her sister."

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The little dog has been seriously struggling since then, as her main source of engagement and comfort is now gone.

On TikTok, the heartbreaking video has received some 74,000 views and counting.

Hundreds of users have since left comments, and several want to know why the puppies had to be separated in the first place.

"If they had been together for years, it might be different, but we're confident they'll thrive separately too," the shelter answered in the comments section.

Rainwater is confident that Fresa will soon be happy again, as there is now a lot of interest in her thanks to the video.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@petrescuesolutions

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