Puppy stuck in a cabinet thrills Instagram users

Boston, Massachusetts - Try as he might, this puppy can't seem to be able to get out of the spinning kitchen cabinet on his own. His attempted escape is adorable and thrilled the Instagram community.

Golden retriever Winston tries his best to finally get off the spot, but the spinning plate foils his plan!
Golden retriever Winston tries his best to finally get off the spot, but the spinning plate foils his plan!  © Instagram/Screenshot/Collage/rylie_chesney_and_winston

In a video posted on Instagram, viewers see a little golden retriever named Winston trying to make it out of a cabinet.

But Winston is in a jam because the cabinet shelf spins. As hard as he tries, Winston doesn't make much forward progress.

At first, he tries to get out with small slow steps, but as the momentum of the spinning shelf increases, so does Winston's pace. But his efforts are of no avail: he just keeps going round and round.

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Winston and the "puppy treadmill" have the internet buzzing. The background music is also very fitting: it's the1980s hit You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) by Dead or Alive. The clip has over 40,000 views. "Omg too cute," wrote one user. Another joked that it looked like "exercise in lockdown."

In the description of the video, the owner clarified that the animal wasn't in any danger of getting spun around too much: "No puppies were harmed, scared or made dizzy in the making of this video. I was literally in there for 20 seconds cause I was curious."

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The Instagram community loves Winston

The puppy who appears in the video is no longer that small and fluffy. In fact, if you take a look at the Instagram account for Winston and his siblings, you can see lots of pictures of Winston both as a fluffy puppy and as a sleek adult dog.

Winston and his companions are cute in all of their pictures regardless if they're big or small – or wearing silly hats.

Cover photo: Instagram/Screenshot/Collage/rylie_chesney_and_winston

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