Picky puppy wants to have her very own dining room, or else she won't eat!

Internet - Watch out for this picky puppy! She only eats his food under very specific conditions or else she spins out of control in the most literal sense.

instead of eating her meal, Puppet just keeps spinning around the plate.
instead of eating her meal, Puppet just keeps spinning around the plate.  © Collage: TikTok/Screenshot/puppetpug (2)

Racking up nearly two million clicks within five days, the picky eater has become a real TikTok sensation.

The clip shows the pooch, named Puppet, running in circles around her meal.

But instead of eventually finding the right spot to indulge in the treat, the little pug just keeps spinning.

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"I don't know why but Puppet just spins in circles around her food," says the TikToker recording the video.

To make her stop, the woman has come up with an odd solution to solve the problem.

She picks up the plate and places the food in a cardboard box, then places Puppet in there with it.

And voilà: as soon as the dog finds herself in the box, she starts slurping her food as if it was the tastiest dish in the world.

The cute video has amassed nearly half a million likes so far, with many melting at the sight of the adorable animal.

Several users tried to find out the meaning behind her picky eating behavior.

"It's her dining room," one wrote. "She's loading," another one said.

No matter what the dog's intentions were, TikTok is head over heels in love with Puppet, and since her owner uploaded the funny clip, the dog has become a real four-legged influencer with over 16,000 fans.

Cover photo: Collage: TikTok/Screenshot/puppetpug (2)

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