Mini Dachshund dog does happy toe taps in her cozy new winter coat!
Hereford, UK - If there is one breed of dog that is particularly good at wrapping its owners around their paws, then it is undoubtedly Dachshunds. Don't believe us? Take a look at this viral video of Myla the pooch!
Little Myla, who also has her own profile on Facebook and Instagram, is a real crowd favorite.
She's especially popular on TikTok, where her page Myla The Miniature Dachshund is followed by more than 350,000 users!
One day before the turn of the year, her owner uploaded a new clip of the miniature Dachshund.
"Couldn’t resist doing this one again," reads the post's caption.
"Look at you so pretty in your little jacket, you’re ready for winter."
Whether it's because of her chic winter coat or the loving glance of her owner, Myla performs a little dance of joy!
Looking towards the camera with her wide eyes, she taps her mini paws on the spot several times, enchanting the net.
In total, the video has already been viewed 2.6 million times in less than three weeks.
The fact that Myla is described as a "professional attention seeker" on her TikTok page doesn't seem very far-fetched!
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@mylatheminisausage