Man walks out to find "spacedog" has landed in his backyard!

Indiana – This dog and her owner probably won't forget this day any time soon: Jeb Banner from Indiana looked out of the window to check on his four-legged friend and was shocked by what he saw.

Dog, astronaut, or both?
Dog, astronaut, or both?  © Twitter/Screenshot/@jebbanner

The dog had been playing in the yard as usual. When her owner went to check on her, he was caught completely off guard by her strange predicament.

The man shared the incident on Twitter: "I spotted her out my window and couldn’t believe my eyes at first. She was perfectly still. Just waiting for take off."

Mila the dog looked like an astronaut wearing a helmet. Jeb Banner explained the situation on Twitter.

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According to his account, the wind had carried the ball of a street lamp into his backyard that evening. Curious Mila then slipped her head into the object and apparently couldn't get it back out by herself.

Fortunately, her owner noticed in time and rushed to her aid.

Twitter users have fun with the photo

Before Banner freed his four-legged friend, he took a photo of her new look. This snapshot paid off in full, because the picture of Mila not only went viral on Twitter and collected more than 142,000 likes since Wednesday, but it also aroused the interest of WISH-TV.

Speaking to the TV station, Jeb Banner reported that Mila was never in any real danger, as she was able to get enough air through the orb's opening.

Meanwhile, at least two Twitter users had fun creatively rearranging Banner's photo, resulting in two true works of art:

Mila hasn't let her newfound fame as a "spacedog" get to her head. According to her owner, she has spent most of her time since the incident napping peacefully.

Cover photo: Twitter/Screenshot/@jebbanner

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