Husky and Golden Retriever puppies make a surprising dog mix!
When Siberian Huskies and Golden Retrievers mix, their offspring are called "Goberians" – and you never know what you'll get!

If a Golden Retriever is bred with a Huskie, the doggy mix can vary quite greatly.
Sometimes called a Goberian and others a "Golden Husky," the characteristics of both dogs surely standout in their pups.
Some Goberians have the coloring of a classic Husky – black and white – while others have kept their golden glow.
The steel-blue eyes Huskies are known for are often their most striking trait, while their strong stature and hearty nature make them great adventure partners.
But what exactly causes the cross between the two breeds to stand out so much?

Golden Huskies are lovable companions

Goberians are popular mixed breeds because they are so dang lovable!
These pups are considered to be a particularly social companions with above-average intelligence. They are said to get along with other animals and humans just fine!
The breed is also known to be very loyal and affectionate as a pet.
However, one should be aware that Goberians are usually a bundle of energy - so be prepared to play a lot of games of fetch!
With so much affection, joy, and loyalty from Golden Huskies, you truly can't go wrong with these furr-ever friends.
Cover photo: Collage: 123RF/deviddo & zuzule