Hilarious mustachioed mutt with a sad story gets a new home!
Phoenix, Arizona - We "mustache" the question: is there a cuter-faced puppy out there?

There's no snout about it – rescue workers had never seen a similar looking dog when they came across this silly-looking boxer mix!
Volunteers from the Arizona Humane Society in Phoenix found a cuddly nine-week-old puppy in an abandoned crate this winter. But when they took a closer look at her face, they couldn't stop laughing.
The markings on her mouth clearly resembled a mustache!
Rescuers named her Ms. Mustachia in an ode to her funny tache.
Photos posted of the pup on Instagram and Facebook gained thousands of likes and fawning social media fans.
"What a cutie pie!" said one user. "Her little face is precious beyond compare."
The rescue organization joined in on the fun by comparing the dog's mug to Johnny Depp's look as Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Carribbean.
"Who wore it best?" they wrote.
They also happily announced that the cute pup had gained the attention of a loving local family who adopted her.
The animal welfare group hopes that the sweet snout will bring attention to other tache-less pups who are awaiting a new home.
Cover photo: Facebook/Screenshot/azhumane