Golden Retriever sees a blueberry for the first time and instantly declares war
This Golden Retriever dog seems to have never seen a blueberry before in her life, and the second she does? Utter chaos.

At least that's how it looks in a funny clip that was recently posted on the TikTok account @keepupwithbianca.
In it, Bianca the dog sits on a couch and stares at a berry lying on the cushion in front of her.
What is immediately noticeable is that she does not seem to be enthusiastic about the situation.
Instead of simply ignoring the fruit or perhaps even eating it, the furry friend stares at the fruit in front of her, wrinkles her nose, bares her teeth, and looks as if she is about to start growling.
"When the blueberry looks suspicious," reads the caption of the video.
Even when Bianca's owner finally begins to present the berry to Bianca in her hand and holds it under her nose, the dog looks extremely skeptical.
Golden Retriever confronts her fear of blueberries

She stares at the tiny blue ball with an irritated look and licks it briefly before turning her head to the side.
Then she turns her face away again.
So much drama!
Only after her owner puts the berry right in front of her nose once more does Bianca give herself a jolt and eats it up without further ado.
And lo and behold, the dog doesn't seem so averse.
Instead of making a face again, she rests her head contentedly on the cushion, licks her muzzle, and closes her eyes calmly.
So that's this adventure over and done with! Now on to the next suspicious snackfood.
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@keepingupwithbianca