Golden retriever has dramatic reaction to owner's "betrayal"

Colorado - "What the heck?" That seems to have been golden retriever Benny's thought process when he recently welcomed his owner home!

The golden retriever kept sniffing at his owner – only to punish her with disappointed looks!
The golden retriever kept sniffing at his owner – only to punish her with disappointed looks!  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@fernandaamiller_

The four-legged friend immediately realized that something was different about her human, and he was not at all happy about it.

In a short clip shared to TikTok on Thursday, the dog's owner, Fernanda Miller, documented this very moment – and couldn't help but laugh to herself!

Benny can be seen sniffing Miller's upper body and looking up at her again and again in astonishment.

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The young woman just giggles and tries to reassure the dog that everything is okay, but Benny doesn't see it that way.

Once again, he looks at his owner in disappointment, and when she finally reaches out to pet his head, he backs away in frustration and disappears from the picture.

"Oh," Miller mumbles sadly. It will probably take some time to regain her dog's trust, but why did Benny react so angrily to his owner's return in the first place?

Why was Benny the dog so upset with his owner?

Even pets couldn't cheer the golden retriever up!
Even pets couldn't cheer the golden retriever up!  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@fernandaamiller_

As Miller explained, she had been out and about that day and played with another dog before going home to Benny, which her beloved golden retriever had immediately picked up on.

In the caption of the clip, the young woman laughed and described the dog as "so dramatic."

Within a few hours, the post on TikTok had already been clicked on more than 135,000 times, with users reacting enthusiastically in the comments.

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"thorough sniffing investigation," one user quipped, to which Miller replied: "Checking every inch."

Miller confirmed she had pleaded for forgiveness from her pup, but it seems Benny is taking his sweet time to accept her apology!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@fernandaamiller_

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