Golden retriever has a hilarious reaction to meeting a tiny kitten!

Caldwell, Idaho - When animals of quite different sizes meet, things can get exciting quickly.

Lucy first eyed her new cat roommate Joey suspiciously.
Lucy first eyed her new cat roommate Joey suspiciously.  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/Katie Squibb

That's what happened when pet owner Katie Bertoni-Squibb introduced her parents' golden retriever Lucy and the family's new baby cat.

Katie from Caldwell, Idaho captured the heartwarming encounter that became a viral hit on TikTok last week.

Lucy and Joey, a four-week-old cat who was rescued from a nearby field, have become animal lovers' new favorite duo.

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The dog and cat pair have generated over 14 million clicks with their debut clip, which was posted last Sunday. Lucy's hilarious reaction to the new kitten has brought joy to viewers around the world.

Fans can feel the suspense of the animals' first meeting when watching the video. As the golden retriever eyes the new addition, she wags her tail excitedly, but doesn't know what to make of the strange creature.

Lucy tries to get close to the kitten, but then backs away in fear. After trying to challenge the cat, and repeatedly trying to play, she tentatively stretches out her paw in Joey's direction.

The pup sniffs her new roommate with caution and curiosity – very carefully, of course.

TikTok users love the cuddly duo

Lucy and Joey quickly got to know each other.
Lucy and Joey quickly got to know each other.  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/Katie Squibb

After their uncertain first meeting, the two furry friends have "taken a liking to each other," said Katie.

Lucy and Joey now play together all the time!

Since her first clip, Katie has posted numerous followup videos of the pair cuddling and rolling around.

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The loving playmates have a loyal fanbase, and the clips have collectively been viewed millions of times.

"That kitty is gonna grow up thinking its a dog and that's its mamma!" commented one TikToker. The sentiment was common among fans.

"So cute! The doggy is really trying to be gentle with the little fluffy!" wrote another. "They will be best friends for sure!"

And for sure – Lucy and Joey's friendship has blossomed, to viewers' delight.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/Katie Squibb

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