Golden Retriever gives up favorite spot on the couch for this adorable reason!
New Jersey - When Erica Derise was looking for her dog Beau, she always checked the couch first as the Golden Retriever had a favorite spot there for years. And then a baby moved into the house...

When Erica became pregnant, she didn't know how her beloved four-legged friend Beau would react to the new "roommate."
After all, the dog had enjoyed the full attention of his two owners for years. Erica and her partner Frank adopted Beau in April 2021 when he was just eight weeks old.
When he wasn't playing or romping around, the Goldie loved to snuggle up in one particular spot on the family's large sofa, where he relaxed in the most hilarious positions.
But this changed when, in June 2023 baby Frankie was born.
From then on, Beau could no longer be found in that spot on the couch. But why did he change his spot?
Golden Retriever dog looks after baby Frankie

Since little Frankie has been able to play, the Golden Retriever now lies on the opposite side of the couch, where he has a perfect view of his human sibling's playpen.
From his new favorite spot, the four-legged friend seems to protect the toddler with watchful eyes and doesn't miss the opportunity to play with Frankie from the sofa.
"Beau and Frankie's relationship is so genuine," his owner Erica told Newsweek fondly.
"As soon as Frankie came home from the hospital Beau instantly made a connection with him. He is his protector 24/7."
She continued, "They love each other so much and I can't wait to see their relationship grow."
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@BeauNoseBones