Giant Great Dane has unbelievable reaction to new kitten roommate!

New York, New York - Samantha and Annaleise Kildow weren't sure how their Great Dane dog Finn would react to the new cat in their home. A video of their first meeting has been causing a commotion online!

Samantha and Annaleise Kildow weren't sure how their Great Dane dog Finn would react to the new cat in their home. A clip of their first meeting has been causing a commotion online!
Samantha and Annaleise Kildow weren't sure how their Great Dane dog Finn would react to the new cat in their home. A clip of their first meeting has been causing a commotion online!  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@finnthebigman

The Kildows had rescued the 8-week-old kitten named Art after he was abandoned by his mother during a heavy rainstorm, so they gave the vulnerable little cat a loving home.

The couple initially had concerns about how their five-year-old dog would handle the tiny kitten!

Samantha told Newsweek that they feared Finn might mistake Art for a squirrel, which he loves to chase.

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For the first few days, they watched the two animals interact closely – it was clear from the start that Finn would have to be very careful with his new sibling.

Samantha and Annaleise presented the heart-warming result in a video on their TikTok channel @finnthebigman.

The footage shows the Great Dane slowly getting to know Art and behaving very calmly towards the tiny kitten.

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"The moment we laid eyes on Art, we knew he was meant to be part of our family. It felt like fate," Samantha said happily.

"After getting approved, we counted down the days until we could bring him home – and a few days later, he was finally ours. Life hasn't been the same since, and we couldn't be more grateful to have found him."

Being so young, the little cat is full of energy and spends half her day running around and getting into mischief. When she's done with the mess, she usually seeks out Finn to snuggle up to him for a nap, often using the dog's ear as a blanket.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@finnthebigman

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