Four-year-old autistic girl gets lost in the Outback, then two miracles happen at once!

Simpson Desert, Australia - A four-year-old autistic girl disappeared overnight in an Australian desert without a trace. But when she was miraculously found the next day, she was not alone.

In the middle of Australia's Simpson Desert, little Molly (4) went missing (iconic image).
In the middle of Australia's Simpson Desert, little Molly (4) went missing (iconic image).  © 123rf/edella

At a time when many families around the world are hunting Easter eggs, one family in Australia was frantically searching for their missing daughter.

Her family was worried sick. Molly was not only just four years old, but has autism and is hearing impaired, which would make the search much more difficult. Molly had last been with her family at an outpost on Good Friday in the Simpson Desert.

With temperatures in the desert incredibly variable even at this time in the Southern Hemisphere, the family immediately headed to the police to report her missing, triggering a huge search operation – complete with helicopter, drones, and police dogs.

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Despite the amount of resources deployed by authorities, the family was not satisfied with the small area selected for the operation and little Molly was still untraceable until a small Easter miracle happened.

"Luckily, a young man had had a dream that showed him where she was," Que Kenny, Molly's cousin, recalled to local media. And so the next day, he took charge of the search party comprised of local volunteers.

Missing Molly wasn't alone the entire night - she had an animal guardian angel!

Molly's little puppy never once left her side the entire night (stock image).
Molly's little puppy never once left her side the entire night (stock image).  © 123rf/Andrzej Freda

The searchers faced potential bites from venomous snakes or spiders, but those worries were the last thing on their minds while Molly was still lost.

As the community party spread out, the local man who had dreamed about where to find Molly the night before ventured on.

And sure enough, an entire five miles away on the edge of the desert, there she was, sitting, just as she had been in his dream. How she had made it that far in the harsh terrain was anybody's guess.

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And if all this was not mysterious enough, Molly was not alone. Beside her sat her little puppy, who never once left her side the entire night, serving as a very diligent guardian angel!

The joy was immense, Kenny shared how incredibly happy the entire community was, as they believed Easter to be a time of hope. "They were honking and singing and praising, 'She's here, Molly's in the car, we found her, we found her!'"

"That was the greatest joy of my life, I'll never forget that. Molly is such a special little girl," the cousin described with delight.

Cover photo: 123rf/edella

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