Eager little boy goes above and beyond to get his doggy pal a treat in viral video

New York, New York - As evidenced by a new viral video, Hudson the dog and his little human brother make an awww-some team!

As evidenced by a new viral video, Hudson the Golden Retriever and his little human brother make an awww-some team!
As evidenced by a new viral video, Hudson the Golden Retriever and his little human brother make an awww-some team!  © Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@hudsonbegood

The terrible twosome can be seen together in a cute video, which is captioned, "Could watch these two all day."

In it, Hudson and the little boy are standing in their apartment in New York City.

Both appear to be having a chat while standing by the fridge, scheming together for the heist to come.

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Cats Bella the cuddly tortoiseshell cat needs a forever home!

Then the kiddo stumbles over to the sliding door of a kitchen cupboard, pushing it open with great effort.

Meanwhile, Hudson walks up and down a little, not quite sure how to help.

Finally, his human accomplice manages to pull a bag out of the cupboard.


A firm "sit" is all it takes – and the Golden Retriever sits down dutifully.

Clearly thrilled that his pet successfully executed the command, the little boy excitedly reaches deep into the bag and places a treat in front of his furry friend's paws, and Hudson chows down on a well-deserved snack!

As numerous videos on the Instagram account show, these two are best buddies for life.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@hudsonbegood

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