Dogs in Ukraine line up artfully, and the reason why is awe-inspiring

Kramatorsk, Ukraine - How similar dogs are to us humans is proven by this picture from Ukraine. Several four-legged friends wait patiently in a row, and the reason why is astounding.

Dogs queue up artfully in a row at a newly built feeding station.
Dogs queue up artfully in a row at a newly built feeding station.  © Screenshot/Twitter/natemook

Nate Mook is currently helping animals left behind in the war zones of Ukraine, and sadly, there are quite a few.

Among other things, a feeding station was built with the help of numerous donations in the 160,000-inhabitant city of Kramatorsk in east Ukraine.

The feeding station itself created the moment at the center of the awe-inspiring photo that Nate posted on Twitter.

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"I've never seen anything like this before. Yesterday we installed a feeding station for displaced pets in Kramatorsk (with your support!) This morning the Ukrainian dogs were lining up to eat."

Artfully one after the other, the four-legged friends waited for their turn.

And the willingness to help the poor animals in the crisis regions is enormous.

"We've seen a huge need for support for the animals," Nate told The Dodo, "Dogs and cats who used to have homes."

Most recently, Nate was able to hand over roughly 500 pounds of animal food to a volunteer in Svyatohirsk who takes care of several dogs and cats.

It's truly incredible to see humankind work together in times of such devastation and heartbreak – especially when animals are involved!

Cover photo: Screenshot/Twitter/natemook

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