Dog's constant barking leads to a shocking discovery!
Duncan, Canada - After two weeks of unusual behavior from their dog, Crystal Weaver, and her family uncovered a wild animal living under their deck!

Crystal Weaver told CBC News that the 2-year-old family dog Coco had been "absolutely neurotic" for two weeks and regularly ran around the backyard barking for no apparent reason. Then, on December 28, Crystal heard some strange rustling under her deck.
"We thought maybe some raccoons were having a bit of a party down there," the Canadian woman said.
The following morning, Crystal's husband decided to figure out what was making the ruckus under the deck – and came face to face with a black bear!
"I've never seen him move so fast," Crystal added.
Crystal caught footage of the big bear on camera and posted it to TikTok. The video is captioned, "This black bear thought the space under our deck might be a great place to spend the winter."The video quickly went viral and boasts over 5.3 million views and counting!
Bears don't usually hibernate under human homes

After Crystal filmed the bear under her deck, she contacted the B.C. Conservation Officer Service (COS). A wildlife officer soon arrived and helped to scare the bear off her property!
According to the conservation service, letting a bear hibernate under your deck isn't a good idea.
"Bears can cause damage under homes such as pushing on gas/water pipes, chewing on joists, and dragging garbage under houses which in turn attracts other pests," the service said in a statement.
Helen Davis, a wildlife biologist at Artemis Wildlife Consultants, told CBC News that this bear's behavior is unusual.
She explained that bears usually hibernate in hollow old-growth trees, going on to suggest that this bear may have decided to live under the deck because of a lack of available dens on Vancouver Island.
Whatever the bear's reason for making this family's deck his winter home, it's a good thing they decided to investigate!
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@CocoBeansandCrew//TikTok(CocoBeansandCrew