Doggone with the wind! Woman gets fright of a lifetime on a drive with her pet poodle
Florida - This heart-melting miniature poodle could be starring in Hollywood's next action flick and she isn't afraid to show it off!

Ginger made her digital debut on Wednesday – and she pulled out all her drama skills for a flawless entrance.
"Wouldn't it be fun to jump out of the car and scare my owner to death?" the sly pooch must have thought to herself.
Ginger's mother was initially only filming her pretty poodle enjoying the wind blowing through her curly fur while she was leaning over the window.
Usually, the little one is known to be of a shy sort, so the owner couldn't possibly have anticipated what would happen next.
But her jaw dropped to the floor when the adrenaline-driven dog suddenly jumped out of the car!
"Oh my God!" the owner screamed, her voice shaking with panic.
She immediately hit the brakes and rushed out of the car to check on her beloved pup's well-being.
Breaking news: Ginger is fine!

The owner later shared the terrifying yet odd experience on Instagram.
"So the scariest, craziest and now funniest thing happened to me yesterday while chillin with homie, in the Sunshine State.. more like windy 🌬state yesterday!" the caption reads from Ginger's perspective.
"So my homie and I were chilling, normally the windows are up and I just peep out from being scared! So yesterday I was feeling a little more on the dangerous side and decided to live life.... which almost cost me my life."
"Anyway! I am doing just fine... I wasn’t hurt!! My homie was a little more scared than I was!" she continued.
Instagram users accuse owner of irresponsible behavior

The clip quickly racked up over 239,000 views, with many users laughing about Ginger's hilarious stunt.
"Ginger girl was like 'WEEEEE'," one commented.
"The 'OHH MY GAWDD' made the video great," another wrote, and many agreed.
However, others were concerned about the poodle's safety.
"Wow, definitely not funny," one wrote, and another added, "Be f----ing careful with your pets!"
Others also pointed out it was irresponsible to be filming while driving.
Fortunately, Ginger survived the little stunt unscathed and the owner has learned her lesson: next time, her much-loved pooch should be fastened with a dog seatbelt.
Cover photo: Bildmontage: Instagram/Screenshot/ginger_cinnamon2020