Dog stuns owner with her reaction to their favorite place during a new season

As his dog stared at a grassy hill in the distance, owner Luke knew his pet was remembering winter!

Did Roo recognize the place despite the different season?
Did Roo recognize the place despite the different season?  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@lukekevesdy

As Luke enjoyed a recent fall hike with his faithful four-legged friend Roo, the dog suddenly stopped and stared intently at the landscape – seemingly wondering if she had seen the same hill before.

"I think she remembers," Luke wrote over the video, which he posted on his TikTok page @lukekevesdy and received warm reactions from the community.

In the clip, Roo looks at a grass-covered landscape, and then the video switches to an earlier shot of the two of them sledding down the same hill – then covered with snow.

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Many users commented on the touching viral footage and also felt that the dog was able to remember the spot.

"dogs really do teach you to stop and smell the flowers," one viewer wrote in the comments.

"I love seeing animals remember places," another said. "Like when the car goes over a certain bump they know they're home. Or when they smell a certain thing they know they're visiting friends.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@lukekevesdy

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