Dog reunited with family after fatal car crash thanks to community help

Tulsa, Oklahoma - Thanks to some helpful strangers, Gary Stockwell can cuddle with the dog, Meena, he shared with his late daughter who Meena went missing after a fatal car crash.

A whole community joined forces to reunite this dog with its owner after a tragic accident killed his daughter.
A whole community joined forces to reunite this dog with its owner after a tragic accident killed his daughter.  © Collage: Screenshot/Facebook/Gary Stockwell

On Wednesday, Gary Stockwell of Tulsa got to do something he didn't think was possible. He finally got to snuggle his dog, Meena, and mourn the loss of their shared loved one.

Gary's daughter Macey and the pup were driving back to Tulsa, Oklahoma, from Fairbanks, Alaska, when tragedy struck, as CBC reports.

Macey was killed in a fatal car accident on the highway near Haines Junction in Canada on October 1.

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First responders found no sign of the dog at the scene and declared Meena missing.

"She was lost in the woods for nine days," Gary said. "Well, I wouldn't call it lost. She would come out and sit by the accident site, but if somebody walked up, or drove up, she would run back into the woods."

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Meena was thrilled to return home with Gary after the accident.
Meena was thrilled to return home with Gary after the accident.  © Collage: Screenshot/Facebook/Gary Stockwell

After nine days, the grieving father got some good news: the dog had been found!

The Haines Junction mayor and his wife took in the pooch, and the entire community helped care for her while figuring out how to get the dog to Oklahoma.

Finally, a couple that splits their time between Alaska and Oklahoma offered to drive the dog home.

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He dubbed the reunion "amazing" and gushed, "Soon as she saw me, she just went crazy because she knew I was her human."

"Right now, with [Meena] being home, it's the only thing I have left of me and my daughter... Am I going to get over this? I doubt it, but can I at least heal and try and be a little bit better? Yeah. Me and Meena, we're going to be OK," Gary said.

This selfless behavior awed Gary, saying, "They didn't know me, they didn't know my daughter, but they went above and beyond what anybody has ever done. The gratitude that I have and love for them is just unimaginable."

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/Facebook/Gary Stockwell

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