Dog returns to animal shelter a year after adoption to thank rescuers in tear-jerking clip

Ojai, California - One year after a happy ending adoption, Maya the Pit Bull dog returned to the place where her new life once began: the animal shelter. And what happened next is simply touching!

One year after a happy ending adoption, Maya the Pit Bull dog returned to the place where her new life once began: the animal shelter.
One year after a happy ending adoption, Maya the Pit Bull dog returned to the place where her new life once began: the animal shelter.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@Humane Society Ventura County

In March 2023, Maya was handed over to an animal welfare officer.

The white and brown Pit Bull Terrier soon ended up at a facility run by the Ventura County Humane Society in Ojai, where caretakers quickly fell in love with the three-year-old dog.

"Not only is the Pit Bull Terrier absolutely adorable, but she's also sweet as can be," reads a Facebook post from that time.

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"Maya loves to snuggle and is very playful. Her hobbies include dominating at tug-o-war, basking in the sun, and napping (it's hard work to be this cute.)"

Although she was a friendly pup, it took over a year before Maya's forever family was found.

Another year later, the dog's new owners decided to have a reunion with the shelter workers who had taken such good care of her.

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The reunion was captured on video, and Maya the dog's reaction couldn't be sweeter!
The reunion was captured on video, and Maya the dog's reaction couldn't be sweeter!  © Screenshot/TikTok/@Humane Society Ventura County

The encounter was captured on video, and the Pit Bull's reaction couldn't be sweeter!

"Maya spent over a year at the shelter," the facility writes in the clip's onscreen text.

"One year later, she returned to thank the staff who cared for her."

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In the footage, you can see the dog being led into a room full of people.

Maya immediately rushes up to the staff and greets them warmly.

"She recognized them immediately," the text continues. "What a perfect full circle moment."

Although it had been over a year since Maya had seen the shelter staff, she could still remember exactly who had been so good to her.

And it was clear to the four-legged friend that these people deserved nothing but love.

"Moments like these is why we do what we do," read the video's caption.

Cover photo: Screenshot/TikTok/@Humane Society Ventura County

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