Dog owner's very strange way of petting her pup riles up TikTok

South Carolina - A South Carolina woman has a very peculiar way of petting her dog - without touching him. She doesn't like his warts, so she uses a rake! The method has millions laughing on TikTok.

This dog owner uses a rake to pet her elderly dog Mocha.
This dog owner uses a rake to pet her elderly dog Mocha.  © Screenshot/TikTok/abigailada12

What do you do when you want to pet your beloved dog but don't like touching his warts?

Thanks to an unconventional idea from her husband, this dog owner from South Carolina found a hysterical solution.

A now-viral TikTok shows how Abilgal's fourteen-year-old dog named Mocha gets pets from a garden rake.

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Millions of TikTokers think the unique "solution" is hysterical, as the cute video boasts over 7 million views and more than 598,000 likes.

"My dad saw the rake at Marshall's and knew my mom didn't like the feeling of the warts on Mocha's skin, so he bought it for her to use," Abigail explained to Newsweek.

Yet while most TikTokers are amused, a few are worried.

This dog loves getting "raked"

This dog loves getting scratched with a rake.
This dog loves getting scratched with a rake.  © Screenshot/TikTok/abigailada12

The unusual petting method has concerned some TikTokers, who sounded off in the comments.

So: how does Mocha feel about being raked?

"Mocha loves it," explained Abigail. "I wanted to share it because I thought it was cute and funny."

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Abigail has shared a few follow-up videos, as she's been surprised by the adverse responses.

"I'm a little surprised by some of the reactions," she told the outlet. "She begs you to keep going when you stop. I would say the majority think it's funny and agree that it's a great solution for the problem."

One follow-up clip shows Mocha nudging her owner for more scratches from the small rake, and another shows her still getting normal pets from her human.

Mocha is clearly loved and gets lots of petting. But he may like the rake scratches best.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/abigailada12

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