What are the most loyal dog breeds? Top 10 faithful pooches

There are few creatures in the world more loyal than a happy family dog. Our canine companions will stick by our side through thick and thin, but are some more loyal than others? Let's take a look.

Dogs are some of the most loyal animals in the world.
Dogs are some of the most loyal animals in the world.  © Unsplash/Pontus Wellgraf

Most dogs will be loved and appreciated by their owners, and this feeling usually goes both ways.

While this is true regardless of the dog breed in question, there are a few that are a little bit more loyal than others. Some dogs are capable of building particularly strong bonds, and pooches that are particularly territorial will often become very clingy.

In this dog guide, TAG24 will take you through a top 10 of the most loyal dog breeds.

Which breeds are the most territorial, the most clingy, and the most emotionally sensitive among our canine companions? What makes a dog loyal and protective? It's time to dive in.

Top 10 most loyal dog breeds

There are many dog breeds out in the world that make great house pets. Not every one of them will be included in this list, for obvious reason, but it's worth saying that this will be an incomplete collection. It's also worth acknowledging that loyalty is not always the best trait in a family dog, as they can get overly protective and, as a result, a little aggressive.

So here we go, these are the top ten most loyal dog breeds in the world, from the humble Labrador to the smallest pug!

Labradors are incredibly sweet, incredibly beautiful, and incredibly loyal.
Labradors are incredibly sweet, incredibly beautiful, and incredibly loyal.  © Unsplash/Noémi Macavei-Katócz

10. Labrador

More like "Labradorable", right? These golden-hearted dogs are relentlessly positive and loving. It's almost like nothing bad has ever crossed their minds and nothing bad ever will, and that attitude rubs off.

Not only are Labradors just ridiculously loyal towards their humans, but they're also hilariously funny and also protective. They have amusing faces, tongues so long that they never seem to end, large floppy ears, wagging tails, and everything you could possibly want from a pet dog. Just be aware, though, they'll eat up your time just like they ate up last night's lasagna!

9. Bulldog

Say hello to our wrinkled friend, the loyal and humble Bulldog.
Say hello to our wrinkled friend, the loyal and humble Bulldog.  © Unsplash/Hermes Rivera

It's worth mentioning right off the bat that bulldogs suffer from some pretty nasty health conditions, mostly due to genetics and irresponsible breeding.

If you do want to wade through the depths of bulldog adoption, though, you'll find yourself with a loyal friend who'll stick with you through thick and thin.

While quite demanding and ridiculously flabby, these stocky creatures are far friendlier and kinder than they look, and will always make sure to protect you when they sense danger.

8. Beagle

Beagles are not only cute, but loyal too.
Beagles are not only cute, but loyal too.  © unsplash/Artem Beliaikin

Beagles might be small, but they have the personality of much bigger dogs. Without the yap of similarly sized dogs, Beagles are often calm and positive creatures that are just happy to be alive and spend time eating, sleeping, pooping, and hanging with their beloved humans.

It's important to take note of how loyal and dedicated Beagles are to the people that look after them. There are few creatures that show more appreciation and love for humanity than these medium-small dogs. It's not so surprising, though, they have some of the most infectious and adorable smiles in the business!

7. Brussels griffon

The Brussels griffon is hardly a looker, but it's a sure-fire smoocher!
The Brussels griffon is hardly a looker, but it's a sure-fire smoocher!  © Unsplash/Abbie Love

Look, the Brussels griffon is hardly going to be popular for its looks.

This breed looks very odd, with strange squinty faces, big tongues, and hair that just seems to be going everywhere. With all that in mind, they do somehow still have a sense of cuteness that'll pull at the heart strings of many people.

Unlike the beagle, you have to accept that your Brussels griffon is going to be a bit yappy and a bit irritating before it gets trained properly. Despite these difficulties, they are still dogs worth checking out.

The Brussels griffon is funny, impulsive, loyal, and endlessly friendly, making it a great pet for a family with kids.

6. Pugs

How could you say no to that face? Pugs are real characters!
How could you say no to that face? Pugs are real characters!  © Unsplash/James Tiono

Weird, wonderful, and wacky. These three words will forever describe the absolute legends that inhabit the pug community. Loyal to the max, while pugs might be tiny, they'll never leave your side and will forever try to protect you despite their tininess and weakness. You honestly couldn't ask for a better friend!

With strange looking eyes and the wrinkly face of a bulldog, there's something weirdly cute about these tiny things. Totally unnatural and completely manufactured, they couldn't hope to survive in the wild – perhaps that's why they're so loyal, they understand how desperately they need you.

5. Border collie

Border Collies are extremely loyal, and that can cause very real behavioral issues.
Border Collies are extremely loyal, and that can cause very real behavioral issues.  © Unsplash/Anna Dudkova

Border collies are certainly not dogs for the faint of heart. They are incredibly intelligent, quite possibly the smartest of any domestic dog breed, and require a lot of care and attention. You'll be walking these beautiful dogs for hours every day, you'll be playing games with it constantly, and you'll be biding to its every whim and flight of fancy.

That's okay, though, because as much as you need to be loyal to your border collie, it knows that it needs to be loyal to you too. These medium-sized canine companions will stand by you every step of the way, rain or shine. Over the ten years or so it'll live with you, your border collie will never let you forget how much it adores you.

4. Great Pyrenees

There are very few dog breeds more sweet and adorable than the great pyrenees.
There are very few dog breeds more sweet and adorable than the great pyrenees.  © Unsplash/Michael Dziedzic

The great Pyrenees are gorgeous, regal, and impeccably loyal. They'll never let you down (assuming that you have trained them properly), they'll be devastated when you get mad at them, and they'll always stick by your side and provide you with all the support you could need.

It's simply not worth overlooking the Great Pyrenees if you can get one because they make some of the best pets ever. Be prepared to play, to throw, to run, to walk, to eat, to sleep, and to watch TV with your doggo. It'll want to do everything with you and, while that can be a little bit overwhelming, the time you spend with your beloved pet is never time wasted.

3. Australian shepherd

Australian shepherds are famous for being remarkably loyal and protective.
Australian shepherds are famous for being remarkably loyal and protective.  © Unsplash/Jametlene Reskp

There's nothing Aussie about the Australian shepherd except for the fact that they are some of the greatest creatures to have ever lived. These fluffy fellows will require a lot of attention and care, and are very demanding pets, but are worth every moment spent walking, playing, or cuddling with these adorable little dudes.

To make matters even better, Australian shepherds are famous for being insanely protective and endlessly loyal. They'll never leave you alone and will always pay attention to you, giving you all of their brain capacity and smarts. Do you want a dog that's happy, will always stick by your side, and is ridiculously adorable? Look no further than the Australian shepherd!

2. German shepherd

There are few dogs more popular and protectively loving than the German shepherd.
There are few dogs more popular and protectively loving than the German shepherd.  © Unsplash/Wannes De Mol

The German shepherd certainly does its name justice.

This is a dog so devoted to looking after and caring for its humans, it has become synonymous with loyalty.

Hailing from Germany, the German shepherd is a big boy with a heart just as massive.

These doggos are cute, faithful, and forever happy to provide all the hugs a person could ever need, while also being receptive to training.

What's not to love?

1. Golden retriever

Golden retrievers are some of the most humorous, loving, and loyal dogs in the world.
Golden retrievers are some of the most humorous, loving, and loyal dogs in the world.  © Unsplash/Richard Burlton

The original lover boy, golden retrievers are possibly the greatest dogs to have ever walked upon this great green globe of ours. Endlessly happy, these four pawed fellows mosey around our homes with gusto, glamour, and seemingly infinite positivity. They love to play, they love to walk – quite simply, they love everything, but you most of all!

What is there to say about golden retrievers that hasn't been said before? They are the ultimate dog, perfect for families, perfect for loners, perfect for anyone who wants to feel unconditionally loved.

Golden retrievers are more than just the most loyal dogs around – they're the best, period!

What makes a loyal and protective dog breed?

A loyal and protective dog is not the same as a guard dog or therapy dog. While these perfect pups are loyal, they have been trained and conditioned for this purpose. For a dog to have made it onto this list, they have to display a certain level of protectiveness and loyalty towards their human at a natural and instinctive level.

Any dog can be loyal – it's about conditioning, training, love, and affection. If your beloved doggo feels happy and closely connected to you, its owner, it will likely become quite protective and loyal. The trick, though, is to keep that protectiveness in check and make sure that your dog behaves reasonably and safely at all times.

So, loyalty and protectiveness comes naturally from love and affection. As a wise band once sang, "All you need is love!"

Loyal dog breeds need to be handled with caution

To close, it's important to address those overly loyal doggos that pose a danger to friends, family, and postmen alike. Training your dog to become a guard dog is only responsible for commercial use, not for home life – you don't need a dog to protect you and your family, having a creature that's been trained to be violence and aggressive is dangerous and irresponsible.

On top of that, if you simply have a breed that is predisposed to being a little overprotective, training is the key. Be careful with them, make sure you have a professional trainer, and slowly whittle down their aggression, making your perfect pooch as chilled out as a margarita on a hot summer's day.

Cover photo: Unsplash/Pontus Wellgraf

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