Most affectionate dog breeds: These are the 8 most loving dogs

We all want a playful pooch, but some doggos are more loving than others. Here are eight of the most affectionate and loving dog breeds in the world.

What are the most affectionate and loving dog breeds?
What are the most affectionate and loving dog breeds?  © Stephen Andrews / Unsplash

When breeding dogs, we humans have constantly sought to create the cutest, most loving, and most affectionate dog ever.

Those of us responsible for the creation of these perfect pooch breeds have tried to reinforce qualities like obedience, perseverance, and loyalty.

As a result, there are many adorably affectionate dog choices out there.

Nana the dog loves helping her owner run at-home daycare in this heartwarming video!
Dogs Nana the dog loves helping her owner run at-home daycare in this heartwarming video!

Let TAG24's dog guide take you through those options and give you a breakdown of the most loving dog breeds in the world!

The 8 most affectionate dog breeds

There are hundreds of different dog breeds in the world, all with different characteristics and personalities. Some have curls, others are insanely hard to train and rather disobedient, but what's important is to get a dog that fits the fam.

That may mean calm and collected, protective, or in the case of this-here example, loving and affectionate. After all, who doesn't like a good cuddle?

St. Bernard: The most affectionate large dog breed

Saint Bernards are gentle, safe, and fond of children!
Saint Bernards are gentle, safe, and fond of children!  © Unsplash / Vlad Rudkov

The St. Bernard is one of the largest and heaviest dog breeds in the world, but also one of the most affectionate.

This Swiss breed is helpful, fond of children, gentle, calm, good-natured, and extremely attached to its humans.

No one has anything to worry about when patting a St. Bernard – as long as you don't mean any harm!

Dog looks utterly betrayed by owner's offer: "I'm never going to forgive you for that"
Dogs Dog looks utterly betrayed by owner's offer: "I'm never going to forgive you for that"

They are sweet, loving, and affectionate, but don't be fooled – these are loyal as-heck doggos, and they will always try to protect their family.

Bichon Frizé: The most affectionate small dog breed

Bichon Frisé are absolutely adorable and will always bring a smile.
Bichon Frisé are absolutely adorable and will always bring a smile.  © 123RF / Kotikov

This Belgian-French dog breed is small and eerily reminiscent of a poodle. They are sweet, affectionate and loving lapdogs known for their friendly, energetic, cheerful, and fun personalities.

A Bichon Frisé is always happy to be in the company of its human, no matter the time of day, and will make sure to get as many cuddles as possible per unit time. They are uncomplicated dogs, easy to look after, and unbelievably lovely.

This is the perfect pooch for a normal household.

Great Dane: Don't believe first impressions!

A Great Dane will be incredibly friendly and loving.
A Great Dane will be incredibly friendly and loving.  © 123RF / tonobalaguer

They might seem big and threatening, but the Great Dane is a dog breed worth its weight in salt. As a rather big breed, they work well to scare off would-be intruders, yet have a wonderful and loving personality.

Why is it so wonderful? Well, the answer's quite simple: Great Dames are friendly, calm, affectionate, intelligent, and beautiful dogs.

Sure, they're large, so don't leave them alone with small children as they could get hurt during those affectionate cuddles.

Otherwise, these huge hounds have a perfectly pleasant character!

Golden Retriever: The friendliest of dog breeds

Golden Retrievers are fundamentally friendly and great companions.
Golden Retrievers are fundamentally friendly and great companions.  © Unsplash / Orlando Tapia

Golden retrievers are some of the most beloved dogs in the world, and that's not surprising. They are bred to be people-oriented and incredibly friendly.

They love swimming and water, and are so affectionate that they're pretty useless as guard dogs.

These beautiful doggos love to eat, are willing to obey orders and are relatively easy to train. Their loving nature is not only great for families, though.

Golden Retrievers are so loving and loyal that they make perfect rescue, assistance, and therapy dogs too!

Labrador Retriever: A loving dog for kids

Labrador Retrievers will always strive to please their owners.
Labrador Retrievers will always strive to please their owners.  © 123RF / belchonock

If you've got a family to look after, your choice of dog suddenly becomes rather important.

Not to worry, though, because if you get a Labrador retriever you are assured an affectionate, cheerful, patient, and very loving dog.

These dogs love children and are unwaveringly friendly, making them perfect for a harmonious family life.

Just keep in mind that they are going to need a lot of exercise, so expect some agility training, and an excessive need to eat.

Leonberger: A loyal, easy-going dog

Leonbergers will join the entire family in the water!
Leonbergers will join the entire family in the water!  © Unsplash / Stephanie Lucero

This fluffy boy originates in the German town of Leonberg and, unlike stereotypes about cold Germans, is an incredibly adorable, loving, and affectionate pooch.

Leonbergers large and muscular, but also good-natured, people-oriented, loyal and loving.

Not only that, Leonbergers are not aggressive at all, yet still have a strong protective instinct and will defend you if danger rears its ugly head.

Just remember to keep them groomed or those allergies are going to get triggered!

Newfoundland: A giant and affectionate dog breed

Newfoundlands are cuddly, adorable, and some of the most affectionate dogs ever.
Newfoundlands are cuddly, adorable, and some of the most affectionate dogs ever.  © 123RF / Photodeti

Newfoundlands look like big cuddly teddy bears, ready to be loved and hugged, and you wouldn't be wrong to assume that's the case. This Canadian doggo loves water, and has helped fisherman in that great icy land we're all baffled by for generations.

They're also great with children.

If you are looking for an amiable, easy-going, happy, and affectionate family dog, then look no further than the Newfoundland.

They have a calming and kind temperament, a gentle character, and a playfulness to die for!

Poodle: Experience the love!

Poodles are people-oriented and need attention, but will never stop loving you.
Poodles are people-oriented and need attention, but will never stop loving you.  © Unsplash / Seth Weisfeld

Poodles are characterized not only by their unique appearance, but also by their high degree of intelligence. They are versatile doggos that are perfect for rescue or therapy purposes, but also as a family pooch. Part of this comes down to how easy they are to train!

The loving and affectionate poodle is loyal, loving, sensitive, lively, and calming.

They are wonderful companions, great for families, and can adapt quickly to new situations due to their friendliness and open-mindedness.

Experience the sweetest, cuddliest, and most loving dog breeds

We all seek certain characteristics in the perfect pooch. Ultimately it's a pretty selfish set of questions: does it have the desire to please, a calm and happy demeanor, and is it good with kids? All these breeds can give an emphatic "yes!"

But in the end, if the dog you choose behaves well, is properly educated and trained, and is loving, then you'll feel the love no matter what the breed!

Cover photo: Stephen Andrews / Unsplash

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