Looking for dogs that don't shed? These breeds aren't fur monsters
Hair on the sofa, in the car, and even on your own clothes – it's just plain annoying, so some dog lovers specifically look for dogs that don't shed.

The Labradoodle is one of many breeds that have been bred specifically to shed less. While it looks like the extremely popular Labrador, it has the coat characteristics of poodles, which shed comparatively little.
That's because these animals have very little undercoat, which is the main factor determining whether the dog is considered a major shedder.
Most dogs shed twice a year, and some breeds don't really shed at all. This isn't to say that you won't find a single stray hair. Almost all breeds shed, but some more than others.
Since hairless dogs are not everyone's cup of tea, TAG24 has a few suggestions for those who still like a bit of fluff – just not on their clothes and furniture!
Dog breeds that do not shed at a glance
If you'd like a dog that doesn't shed much, keep an eye on these breeds:
- Poodle
- Maltese
- Yorkshire Terrier
- Havanese
- Chihuahua
- Labradoodle
- West Highland White Terrier
- Shi-Tzu
- Portuguese Water Dog
- Barbet
- Puli
- Schnauzer
- Bulldog
- Greyhound
- and many more.

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Do dogs with short fur lose less hair?
Not necessarily. You can't really tell whether your pooch will shed heavily just from the look of its coat. As StopMyDogShedding.com explains, a short haired dog such as a Great Dane may shed all year round, but their fur is pretty easy to groom. A poodle or Bichon Frisé will shed very little, but require a lot of upkeep and usually need trips to a professional groomer in order to keep their fur and skin healthy.
In dogs that have little undercoat and less dense fur, the hair simply continues to grow. That means you have a lot of trimming to do to keep it from getting too long and matted, which can end up restrict the dog's eyesight, for example. The Pet Retreat's Long Hair Grooming Guide also recommends checking these breeds for skin problems or insects that might be hidden under their fur.
Dogs that shed heavily at a glance
This list proves that short hair doesn't always equal little shedding:
- Beagle
- Pug
- Newfoundland
- Sheepdog
- Bernese Mountain Dog
- Saint Bernard
- Dalmatian
- Golden Retriever
- Siberian Husky
- and many more
Even the dogs that do not shed much need to be brushed regularly
For all dogs, regular grooming is important, even especially for the dog breeds that have a low shedding rate. So if you buy a dog that doesn't shed so much, you're not off the hook when it comes to brushing frequently and thoroughly. In the case of dogs with curly hair, loose hairs will get caught in their curly coat. This makes them shed less, but the coat can become matted.
Good grooming is vital for absolutely every breed and not only ensures a beautiful coat, but also for the overall health of your canine companion.
Cover photo: 123rf/Joerg Huettenhoelscher