How long are dogs pregnant for?

The fact that puppies are some of the cutest creatures in the world becomes even more extraordinary when you know how they are born. So how long does a dog pregnancy last?

Pregnancy in dogs is significantly shorter than in humans.
Pregnancy in dogs is significantly shorter than in humans.  © 123RF/laurashop

When your dog gets pregnant, you're up for a fast and furious ride.

There are going to be many ups and downs, it'll be equally joyful and stressful, and there are a few things any dog owner with an unspayed canine companion should know.

So first thing's first: how long are dogs pregnant, and what can you expect from this whole process? How can you tell your dog is pregnant, and at what age should you start to expect puppies?

Precious moment between dog and baby melts hearts on TikTok
Dogs Precious moment between dog and baby melts hearts on TikTok

Dive into TAG24's dog guide and get the answers to all of your questions!

How long are dogs pregnant for?

On average, dogs are pregnant for about 63 days before they give birth. The number of days generally ranges between 58 and 72 days and typically sits at about the two-month mark, making their pregnancies significantly shorter than those of humans. There is no hard-and-fast number, however, as every dog is different and often the point of conception is unknown.

At about nine weeks, it might seem like the pregnancy of a dog is seriously short, especially when compared to humans. Don't be deceived, though – your doggo might have a short pregnancy, but it goes through many physical and hormonal changes throughout that time, and it certainly won't be an easy ride.

Important: Let's be real, you are probably not a veterinarian, which means you need to bring your dog to a professional as soon as you suspect it is pregnant so that it can be treated appropriately and safely.

Your dog's belly is going to start getting bigger when it gets pregnant.
Your dog's belly is going to start getting bigger when it gets pregnant.  © 123RF/Victorass88

Developmental stages of dogs in the womb

A dog litter can have anything up to nine puppies. This is an extraordinary number and an absolute marathon of a birth. When inside the womb, puppies have to share food, water, oxygen, and space together and, as a result, the stages of a female dog's pregnancy can be pretty brutal on their bodies.

There are two main phases in a dog's pregnancy. The first ranges from the initial to the fifth week, and sees the baby grow from nothing into a blob about the size of a tomato. In the second stage, it slowly reaches puppy size as it becomes eager to come out to play.

How big are your perfect puppies as they grow?

  • Stage 1: Zero to fifth weeks
    • Day 10-15: Size of a sesame seed
    • Day 18-20: Size of a grain of rice
    • Day 22-24: Size of a blueberry
    • Day 27-28: Size of an olive
    • Day 33-35: Size of a strawberry
    • Day 36-39: Size of a tomato
  • Stage 2: Sixth week until birth
    • Day 43-48: Size of an orange
    • Day 49-54: Size of a bell pepper
    • Day 55-56: Size of a corn cob
    • Day 57-63: Fully developed and ready for birth

As the puppies slowly grow in their mamma's belly, your dog will increasingly require help. We recommend talking with a vet throughout the process and getting their advice on how to move forward.

How to tell when a dog is pregnant

If your dog has been intimate with another dog, it might be best to get it checked.
If your dog has been intimate with another dog, it might be best to get it checked.  © 123RF/Streborn

While a cheap plastic stick is enough to determine pregnancy in humans, the same convenience is not as readily available for dogs. There are, however, some physical indications and behavioral changes that can give the game away well before time.

These are the most common signs of a pregnant doggo:

  • Physical symptoms:
    • Vaginal discharge (approximately one month after mating)
    • Change in color and swelling of the teats
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Change in appetite
    • Increased urge to urinate
    • Weight gain
    • Steady growth of the belly
  • Changes in behavior
    • A sudden need to rest and sleep much more
    • Nest building
    • Protective behavior around the nest

Of course, you likely won't realize that your pooch is pregnant until around the 40th day, as her body starts rapidly expanding. Don't worry, this is normal and natural.

Puppies are adorable, but are not always a wanted addition to the family.
Puppies are adorable, but are not always a wanted addition to the family.  © 123RF/brusnik

When can a dog get pregnant?

For a dog to get pregnant, she must first be old enough to go into heat - about 6–12 months old in smaller dogs, but as late as 18 months in bigger dogs. Once your dog starts experiencing her heat cycles, she is not necessarily ready to have a baby, but it is a very good indication as it indicates sexual maturity.

During a dog's heat cycle, they actually become more, not less, fertile. These cycles occur six to eight months in spring or fall, so you don't need to worry about this too often. Ultimately, though, once your dog has reached sexual maturity, it is time to get her spayed.

If you haven't had your dog spayed, pregnancy is always a possibility. So if you don't want this to happen, you know exactly what you should be doing.

Cover photo: 123RF/laurashop

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