Best hound dog breeds: Top 10
When it comes to the humble hound, there are few dogs more clever and full of energy. But which hound dog breed truly takes the ticket? Which hound dog is so cute and intelligent that it'd make Elvis swoon?

Out of the many dog breeds that wander across the face of our planet, few compare to the majesty of the hound dog. Coming in many different shapes, sizes, and types, these dogs all seem to serve one purpose or another, giving them a particularly important position in the doggy ecosystem.
So which hound dog breeds are the best in the world, what makes them so great, and what is a hound dog anyway?
What is a hound dog breed?
A hound is traditionally a dog used by hunters to either track or attack prey. They come in many different sizes and shapes, as each individual variant specializes in a different task and in different animals – for example, smaller hounds are typically used to chase and kill rodents, dig for things like moles, or track via the use of their powerful noses.
Because of the diversity with which they come and the fact that dog sports are not nearly as common now as they were 50 or so years ago, the word "hound" is now typically used to simply refer to dogs in general. It is also a common end to the name of a dog breed, even if that breed has nothing to do with the legacy of the word.
So, the ultimate answer to this question is two-fold: A hound is either a dog that is used in hunting or a dog that has the word "hound" added to the end of its name. For the purpose of this article, we're going to focus on the former.

What is a hellhound?
The term "hellhound" does not refer to a breed of dog but a mythological demon that comes in the form of a dog. There are many different kinds of hellhounds across different mythologies, but as the name suggests, they are generally servants of the underworld, demons intent on tracking and destroying their foes.
There are many famous hellhounds in mythologies from around the world. In Ancient Greece, Cerberus was a multi-headed dog that guarded the gates to the underworld and served as the hound of Hades. In Welsh mythology, Cŵn Annwn were a form of the wild hunt and were owned by Satan.
If you are interested: There are thousands of dogs that take up various places in mythologies from around the world. What is interesting, though, is that there is an ongoing theme amongst them – mythological dogs often seem to be related to hell, the underworld, or Satan.
Top 10 hound dog breeds
There are countless dog breeds out there, each of which has its own personalities and characteristics. While not every dog is a hound, every dog has a purpose and every dog has a history. What we're here to do, though, is to take you through the hound dog breeds that are well worth paying attention to and considering for future adoption.
So, what are our favorite hound dog breeds? Which hound dogs are cute, funny, loyal, and just an overall great time? These are the best hound dog breeds in the world, so let's dive in!

10. Bluetick coonhound
A gorgeous dog breed that originates from the US, the bluetick coonhound was bred to hunt raccoons, hence its name. Very effective at hunting and securing their prize, these dogs are still perfectly capable of being fantastic house pets as they are surprisingly chilled out, calm, and cuddly. Known for being insanely friendly, there are few hounds out there more diverse and underappreciated than the bluetick coonhound.
9. American foxhound

Another American dog breed, the American foxhound is famous for tracking and hunting foxes via scent. As a result of these abilities, the American foxhound has an unbelievably powerful and accurate sense of smell and can track animals from a long way away. They are a very historical breed and one that has been around since the 1600s. Indeed, the American Kennel Club credits George Washington as having a significant role in their development.
8. Basenji

Basenjis are very unusual dogs because they don't bark, but that doesn't mean they should go without mention. A breed that comes from central Africa, the Basenji is a hunting hound that makes a yodel-like sound rather than a bark. While being very kind and affectionate, these dogs aren't generally accepted as good house pets as they can be quite unpredictable sometimes.
7. Beagle

A dog breed so famous that it has spawned its own, rather messed up sport, the beagle is a beautiful and elegant hound known for foxhunting as well as the hunting of hares. These dogs possess an incredible sense of smell and are unbelievable at tracking and finding prey when out on the hunt. To make matters even better, while they are talented outside, they are also incredibly sweet, cuddly, and adorable when chilling with their owners after a long and hard day's work.
6. Basset hound

A French dog breed, the basset hound has an incredibly unique and iconic look, with giant floppy ears, a low-hanging belly, and a stretchy and saggy neck. These dogs are friendly and funny and love to spend time with their humans. Ultimately, though, the basset hound is a dog breed bred for the purpose of hunting and killing hares. They have a crazy sense of smell that is only comparable to the next entry on this list, the bloodhound.
5. Bloodhound

Bloodhounds have been around since the Middle Ages, often used to not only hunt various animals but to track people as well. They are iconic now for their use by aristocracy and law enforcement to track escaped prisoners and people who have run away. As a result, they are also known for being quite violent at times. With a remarkable and unparalleled sense of smell, the bloodhound is more commonly used nowadays to hunt deer, wild boar, and rabbits.
4. Greyhound

Greyhounds are some of the cleverest and most talented hounds in the world. Sadly, this has meant that in the last few hundred years, they have become the focus of extremely unethical and dangerous sports that see them race against each other for the amusement of spectators. This is largely due to their extraordinary hunting instinct, speed, and sense of smell. They are widely accepted as being considered an unethical dog breed.
3. Afghan hound

The Afghan hound is known for being exceptionally stupid, but that doesn't stop it from being an extraordinary and beautiful dog in its own right. Iconic with its long and luscious locks, the Afghan hound is one of the most bizarre yet talented dogs out there, with an affinity for hunting and the ability to survive and help humans survive for long periods of time in very dangerous and intense environments. They are a pretty interesting breed, and well worth looking into.
2. Dachshund

Dachshunds are famous for somewhat resembling a hot dog and generally seemingly quite an affectionate and useless breed of dog. Yet, this could actually be further from the truth. Historically, dachshunds were a breed of hound bred to chase and flush out burrowing animals like badgers, moles, and more. Their tiny legs are designed to be excellent at digging and burrowing, excavating the holes and homes of their prey. To make things even better, the dachshund is famous for a remarkable sense of smell.
1. Borzoi

Often referred to as the Russian wolfhound, Borzois are famous dogs of the Russian aristocracy, known for hunting wolves in the frigid and dangerous conditions of the Siberian winter. These beautiful dogs might not be particularly intelligent, but they are exceptionally fast and very, very effective and dangerous hunters. If there's any breed of hound that deserves to top this list, it's the borzoi.
Whatever your pick of dog breed, understand that if you go with a hound, you will have a lot on your hands. These are dogs that are well-worth your time and attention, but require a lot of work – so make sure that you're ready!
Cover photo: Collage: Unsplash/Kyle Smith & IMAGO/Cinema Publishers Collection