Friendliest dog breeds in the world: Top 10
Is there anything better than a puppy so friendly and personable that it's constantly in want of hugs, attention, and love? These ten dog breeds are the friendliest in the entire world, so let's dive in!

When a dog comes bounding towards you across a soccer field, eager to play and get itself some pets, the first concern of most people would be to determine whether said dog is safe.
It starts with the looks and the body language, of course, but in the end, it's defined by the breed of the doggo in question - after all, one is more likely to respond positively to a golden retriever than to a rottweiler.
So these are the dogs that don't need to cause alarm, a quick dog guide to who you should embrace as happy and full of life. Indeed, these are the top ten friendliest dog breeds in the world.
Top 10 friendliest dog breeds
We do want to make one thing clear before we begin, though: even the friendliest dog breed is not without its risks. When it comes to any unknown dog, it's best to proceed with caution, especially if kids are involved. Take it slow, check with the owner, and make sure that it is a safe, happy, and friendly doggo before you embark on your petting adventure.
Now, without further ado, these ten dog breeds are so sweet and so personable that they'll have you openly weeping. They are the world's friendliest dog breeds, and for good reason.

10. Maltese
How could a creature so small and so fluffy not be endlessly lovely and just ridiculously friendly? Well, the answer is clearly "chihuahua," but we're not here to talk about them - we're here to talk about the Maltese, one of the world's friendliest dog breeds. These tiny little dwarf dudes have been popular since Ancient Rome, and for good reason — they're funny, adorable, endlessly needy, and unbelievably happy to see you every time you walk in the door.
9. Pomeranian

If one were to talk about dogs that clearly couldn't have existed without human intervention, one would eventually have to mention the pomeranian. That's not a slight, of course; it's just a fact - the pomeranian is so friendly, so cute, and so defenseless that there's no way it would survive in the wild.
Luckily, on account of humanity's endless hospitality, it will never have to!
8. Siberian husky

A dog with a lot of personality and a lot of strength in its paws, many may worry that the Siberian husky could end up violent or dangerous.
Instead, they are endlessly soft and safe, always keen to play, incredibly fast, and remarkably intelligent. Sure, they're not the easiest to look after, but that is partially because of how ridiculously friendly the Siberian husky is and their keenness to say hello.
7. Labrador

One of the most classic doggos out there, the labrador is endlessly elegant and unbelievably cute.
While not the smartest of all dogs, labradors are relatively easy to train and will be protective of you even while expressing their love and affection through a friendliness that many consider unparalleled. These dudes are the classic "dog," looking the part and acting the part in equal measure.
6. Beagle

Another dog that could be easily called a "classic," the beagle is a medium-sized doggo with a lot of personality, a great deal of loyalty, and so much friendliness that it could get annoying.
Without too many health issues, the beagle is a dog that you can expect to live a long time, behave extremely well around kids, and generally remain very well-behaved and exceedingly friendly. As a result, it is one of the best dogs for first-time owners and a great family pet.
5. Cavalier King Charles spaniel

While the Cavalier King Charles special might be an annoying dog and pushy dog, most of those characteristics are also down to it being a very friendly dog.
A real looker, these little dudes will stare at you with their big adorable eyes and beg for a little bit more food with unrestrained passion. Let's be real - there are few dogs cuter, and even fewer more friendly, than the Cavalier King Charles spaniel.
4. Newfoundland

Giant dogs are often looked at as being quite dangerous, and for good reason. Big boys like the rottweiler or a bulldog can be extremely aggressive and are often used as guard dogs for that exact reason.
Others, though, are friendly giants more interested in hugs and food than in any kind of conflict or aggression. The Newfoundland is one such dog, so friendly that it is more likely to be bullied by a Chihuahua than to be the bully itself.
3. Australian shepherd

A doggo with a very misleading name, seeing as the breed actually originates from California, the Australian shepherd is an incredibly intelligent dog and an extremely friendly one as well.
While certainly not a dog suitable for first-time owners, as it is extremely demanding and requires a lot of attention and time, it is a dog that'll be extremely loyal and a rewarding member of your canine family.
2. Border collie

Many believe the border collie to be the smartest domestic dog in the world, and while that specific statement is hard to justify or back up, it is certainly true that these doggos are remarkably intelligent.
This might, similarly to the Australian shepherd, make them hard to look after and less than ideal for first-time owners, but it also makes them some of the friendliest and loveliest dogs in the world.
1. Golden retriever

An absolute mainstay of lists like this one, the golden retriever is quite simply the friendliest and happiest doggo in the world. These blond beauties love to swim, play games, fetch (hence their name), and spend time with anyone who will give them attention and affection.
Quite simply, the golden retriever is not only friendly but possibly the best family pet money can buy.
The top friendliest dog breeds make the best pets
If you have been thinking about adopting a dog, then you likely have many questions and queries swirling around like a vortex in your head. What do you need to buy? Will it be okay with your work schedule? What about the kids; will they be happy? Oh, and of course, what dog breed should I choose?
In the end, a first-time dog owner should go with an easy dog breed that is exceptionally friendly. While not every doggo on this list is the easiest to train, and some can be quite naughty, we can guarantee that the vast majority of each breed's members will always be available for a cuddle.
Cover photo: Collage: Unsplash/Noelle/Brent Olson/Nathaly Wild1