Best home dog breeds: Top 10
Do you want a dog that's comfortable and safe for the family? Do you want a dog that you can keep at home and not have to worry too much? These are our picks for the top 10 home dog breeds in the world.

There are few creatures in the world more perfect than the perfect pooch, and if you find the most perfect of all the perfect pooches, you will end up with the perfect pet.
Still looking for a pet?
These 10 dog breeds are the sweetest and cutest home dog breeds in the world.
What makes a home dog breed so fantastic? Why are they so perfect?
Let's take a look!
What is a home dog breed?
If we are to talk about "home dog breeds" then we've got to first establish what on Earth we're actually discussing. For the purpose of this article, a home dog breed is one which is best kept at home in a family, which needs plenty of entertainment and loves company, but isn't suited for manual labor or any task other than to be cute, cuddly, and endlessly sweet.
Anyone who wants a working dog, a guard dog, or some other kind of heavy-duty doggo, should quite simply sit down and get themselves a home dog breed. What you want is a dog that will relax, come to you for cuddles, and is a happy, positive little ball of fun – not a dog that's meant for chasing sheep and playing hunting badgers.
To summarize, a home dog breed is not a working dog, it is quite the opposite. These creatures are ridiculously useless but insanely cute and sweet. What else could you possibly want?
What are the best home dog breeds? Top 10
So, now that we have established what a home dog breed is, it's time to examine which dogs are best for such a purpose.
Don't get it wrong, though! We are not talking about purely lazy doggos – some of these perfect pooches are perfect because they are pure, pretty, and playful. They are kind and cheerful, yes, but not necessarily slow and dumb.
These are our picks for the top ten home dog breeds. What are the greatest home dogs out there, what would be perfect for you and your family? Let's take a look.

10. Australian Shepherd
While they do require a lot of attention and some top-level training, there are few dogs out there that can bring the looks and personality of the Australian Shepherd.
They are Aussies in the truest sense, despite not actually being Australian – they like to play, as long as it's a fair go and their human gives them a fair shake!
Oh, and the Australian Shepherd also takes the ticket in terms of being a great home dog for those active families who like to hike.
9. Yorkshire Terrier

There are plenty of dogs out there in the world and, considering that fact, to many the Yorkie is one to stay away from.
We can understand why – these little scraggly dudes bark a lot and can look a little rat-like (if not groomed properly.)
Still, if they're your thing then the Yorkshire Terrier is kind of perfect for the home life.
They're small, not too fluffy, and not too erratic.
8. Beagle

Considering how fantastic they are at being family and home dogs, Beagles are famous for a reason.
These beautiful doggos have ears to adore and the perfect nose to boop.
Bred for hunting, the Beagle no longer holds many of its natural instincts, and if trained well, is a very well-behaved little woofer.
If you want a happy dog that'll give you cuddles, you've got a great choice here.
7. Poodle

When most people think about Poodles they think about cliché grooming shows full of people so rich and vapid that they can't help but bring on a cringe.
Yet, these dogs are actually adorable and friendly little dudes who don't deserve to have their fur mutilated like that.
The Poodle is a perfect home dog, and will never leave their owners wanting for more.
There's genuinely nothing bad to say about these sweet little dudes.
6. Border Collie

Border Collies are some of the smartest and some of the best home dogs out there, and there's not really evidence to suggest differently.
These four-pawed friends will never fail to bring a smile to the face, and are perfect for families that want to head down to the part for a few hours with the express purpose of playing games with their darling doggo.
The Border Collie is one of the best dog breeds in the world, and a great choice for those with the time to look after it properly.
5. German Shepherd

German Shepherds can indeed get quite big, but what does that matter when they are some of the sweetest and cutest home dogs in the world?
It's hard to really justify if we're honest, so we're not going to bother.
The German Shepherd is a gorgeous, happy, and loyal dog that's covered in thick and cuddly hair and will always stand by and comfort you when you're sad.
Calm down, don't worry so much, and go and get yourself some puppy hugs.
4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

With four paws and a nose that needs a boop, the cavalier King Charles Spaniel is certainly cuter than the real King Charles.
Monarchy aside, these beautiful dogs are famous for being great family dogs, and that's for a reason.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are some of the best home dogs available, primarily because they are happy, kind, cuddly, and endlessly easy to look after.
3. Pomeranian

Tiny and covered in a thick layer of puffy fluff, the Pomeranian is known by many to be one of the best home dogs in the world.
Absolutely perfect for children due to their size and harmlessness, the Pomeranian is unlikely to ever be a risk to children and is a dog breed worth keeping an eye on if you want to establish a new family in the coming years.
All that aside, though, they're also just ridiculously cute.
2. Labrador

If you want a real home dog, go for a Labrador.
These dudes are chill as heck and always want to sleep but are also very keen to go outside and play some games and go for some walks.
Labradors are soft and friendly, and they carry those two traits over into every element of their personality and behavior.
If you've ever wanted a dog but have never had a dog and now find yourself with time and space for one, the Labrador is a great pick.
1. Golden Retriever

There really is nothing that needs to be said about the Golden Retriever, they're the best dogs in the world.
Insanely friendly, incredibly cute and happy, endlessly full of energy, and never lacking in personality either.
If there's a positive adjective, then you can probably add it here.
As we said, there's not much to really say – if you want a dog, get a Golden Retriever. It really is that simple!
Finding the perfect dog breed for you and the family is absolutely critical, especially when kids are involved. With a little luck, you'll find your future dog soulmate in this list.
Cover photo: Unsplash/Jametlene Reskp