Best blonde dog breeds: Top 10
While everyone knows the golden retriever for its beautiful blonde coat, it's not the only doggo to impress with its silky gold hair. There are many blonde dog breeds all deserving of love!

Who doesn't think blonde fur makes for beautiful dog breeds? Very few humans, we'd expect, and for good reason too.
These darling doggos are full of character and love to hang out with their humans.
The best blonde dog breeds are also gorgeous with extraordinary, eye-catching coats.
Top 10 sweetest blonde dog breeds in the world
These top 10 dog breeds have been chosen not only their stunning looks, but also for their personalities and other lovable traits.
Different dogs will match best with different humans. Many of the best blonde dog breeds will be perfect for family life, but some will be better for hunting or even grooming. After all, versatility is the spice of life!

10. Great Pyrenees
The Great Pyrenees has a very apt name because it is a wonderful dog breed full of energy, making it a "great" companion. Complete with a fluffy and full coats of silky hair, these doggos never fail to make their humans swoon. While not a particularly well-known breed, the Great Pyrenees is certainly one of the sweetest blonde dog breeds in the world.
9. Afghan hound

Afghan hounds are famous for being the stupidest dogs in the world. But that doesn't mean they can't make for great (if sometimes troublesome) pets. These fluffy blonde dogs have an incredibly unique look, with long faces, pointed noses, and wispy ear hair that almost makes them look like they're wearing a wig. What more could you want?
8. Otterhound

Otterhounds are another underdog breed that is relatively unknown. Yet, there's something friendly and comforting about these small little dogs which will always steal the hearts of their humans. Otterhounds might not super well-known, but they are some of the cutest blonde dogs in the world.
7. Brussels griffon

An odd-looking specimen, the Brussels griffon often finds itself on lists like this one due to its uniqueness. These grumpy-looking dudes are incredibly easy to make into memes, and for obvious reason – if you look into the eyes of a Brussels griffon, it's unlikely you will be able to stop yourself from laughing. Still, the Brussels griffon is certainly one of the most fascinating blonde dog breeds in the world.
6. Australian terrier

A little more golden and bronze than straight-up blonde, the Australian terrier is a relatively unknown dog which looks more like a cartoon pooch than a real one. With oversized and fluffy ears, small black eyes, and a tongue that seems to constantly be hanging from its jaw, these little doggos are absolutely adorable and deserve all the love they can get.
5. Chihuahua

Does anything really need to be said about the chihuahua? It's a tiny little dog with short legs and oversized ears, famous for being loud and having a curly tail. Yet, there's something charming about these little friends, which are small enough to fit into a handbag. They are friendly, funny, curious, and full of energy you wouldn't otherwise expect from something so tiny. Indeed, the chihuahua is a unique and popular blonde dog breed.
4. Chow chow

Chow chows are famous for their blue tongues and humongous manes of hair growing out from under their chins. They are medium-large dogs that can range in qualities from grumpy and quiet to loud and rambunctious. Most fall in the center somewhere, with personalities which are friendly, loving, and ready to play. While they come in a few different colors, the blonde chow chow is by far the prettiest of all.
3. Collies

Collies are some of the sweetest and smartest canines around and are endlessly full of energy, love, and joy. These fluffy friends are here to play, exercise, and cuddle, and we wouldn't have it any other way. They usually have a coat which features multiple colors or at least several shades of the same color, but collies that feature gold are – by definition – more golden.
2. Labrador

Not quite "man's best friend," but certainly getting close, the labrador is one of the most iconic, beloved, and well-known dog breeds in the entire world. These four-pawed creatures are happy to spend their time playing in the garden, hanging with the kids, and being lazy with the adults. In terms of their golden blonde coat, the labrador is iconic and second only, perhaps, to the golden retriever.
1. Golden retriever

Speaking of the devil, the golden retriever truly is "man's best friend!" These beautiful dogs take home the award of being the greatest blonde dogs in the entire world. What more can we really say? They are sweet, cute, friendly, and hugely huggable. There's truly nothing better than the golden retriever.
Whichever amazing breed you choose as your next canine companion, get ready for good times, because you know what they say: Blondes have more fun!
Cover photo: Unsplash/Ana Martin