Beginner dog breeds: Best dogs for first time owners

If you've never owned a dog before, it's best to start with one that's docile, friendly, happy, and easy to take care of. As a result, we put together a list of our favorite beginner dog breeds, that are perfect for families and first time owners.

If you've never owned a dog before, it's best to get a beginner dog breed.
If you've never owned a dog before, it's best to get a beginner dog breed.  © Collage: Unsplash/Alvan Nee/Ana Kai/Stephen Andrews

There are some fantastic dog breeds out there, but many of them are too challenging, temperamental, and needy for first-time owners.

As much as we all love the border collies, or the beautiful Australian shepherds of the world, they are largely demanding animals and hardly suitable for people who haven't been canine-kind companions before.

In this dog guide, TAG24 will take a look at the best dog breeds for first time owners. These are our top ten favorite beginner dog breeds, each perfect for people who have not had much experience looking after dogs.

Top 10 beginner dog breeds: Best low maintenance dogs for first time owners

Prospective dog owners have a lot to think about, and that especially goes if this is the first time you have ever had a dog. Dog adoption is a complicated process in itself, but the real challenge comes when you take the pup home and finally realize that it's now up to you to keep this fluffy little dude alive, healthy, and happy. No matter what, owning a dog going to be a tough process at first.

The best way to ease your way into dog ownership, though, is to take the edge off by choosing a suitable dog breed. Beginner dog breeds are low maintenance dogs that will make ownership easier and more streamlined.

Here are our favorites!

10. Cavalier King Charles spaniel

Cavalier King Charles spaniels are very popular among first-time dog owners.
Cavalier King Charles spaniels are very popular among first-time dog owners.  © Unsplash/Geoff Oliver

The humble Cavalier King Charles spaniel is not only one of the sweetest and cutest creatures to ever walk the Earth, but also one of the kindest and calmest.

Endlessly friendly, full of personality, and rarely aggressive, they are the perfect dog to have with kids and one of the best dogs to get as a first-time owner.

They are an extremely low maintenance dog breed that, once trained in the basics, won't require much from you. Of course, they're still dogs, but as dogs go they are pretty calm and relaxed.

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Just beware that they can get a little cheeky from time to time, especially when they're feeling a bit overly excited, or haven't been walked in a while - their pent up energy can be a real killer!

9. Maltese dogs

Maltese dogs are incredibly sweet, cute, and good with kids.
Maltese dogs are incredibly sweet, cute, and good with kids.  © Unsplash/FLOUFFY

Maltese take after their namesake, the delicious chocolate snack, quite perfectly. They are kind of round, incredibly sweet, and endlessly good to cuddle up to on a rainy Sunday night while watching a movie. Honestly, the only difference is that the Maltese dog is white (and is, you know, a dog) and Maltesers are brown candies (and are, again, not dogs). Then again, maybe this comparison is a bit off.

Regardless, they are some of the best dogs to adopt if you don't know how to look after a dog. The Maltese are a self-sufficient bunch, and incredibly easy to live with. They're generally pretty quiet, often very happy and cuddly, and are very willing to spend long stretches with you just chilling and not doing much.

8. Pomeranian

Are there any dogs cuter than the pomeranian? We're unsure.
Are there any dogs cuter than the pomeranian? We're unsure.  © Unsplash/Tom Radetzki

While pomeranians can be a bit yappy, they don't often come near the level of Yorkshire terriers in terms of noise. On top of that, they are kind and caring dogs that love to cuddle, and are so small that they'll hardly ever cause an inconvenience - indeed, you can even take them on airplanes!

Pomeranians need very little to be happy - just a snack, some sun, and some cuddles will do the trick - making them ideal for first time dog owners. These supremely beginner-friendly dogs will show you the joy of dog ownership while not putting you on your toes too often. That being said, once you have owned a pomeranian you may not be unequipped for future canine companionship.

7. Yorkshire terrier

Yorkies are some of the loudest dogs, but if trained right they can be great for beginners.
Yorkies are some of the loudest dogs, but if trained right they can be great for beginners.  © Unsplash/Fernanda Nuso

There are few dogs more divisive than the Yorkie. While they are popular and famous enough to have earned themselves a universally acknowledged nickname, the Yorkshire terrier is a dog that some will love and some will hate.

What can't be denied, though, is that Yorkies are absolutely perfect for beginner dog owners.

Putting aside their scruffiness, messiness, and loudness, Yorkies are profoundly loyal and incredibly emotionally intelligent. We can assure you that if you own a Yorkshire terrier, you will never cry alone when it's in the house. While it requires regular walking like most pups, a Yorkie will not need even close to as much patience as other dogs.

6. Beagle

Beagles are ridiculously cute, loyal, and friendly.
Beagles are ridiculously cute, loyal, and friendly.  © Unsplash/Jules D.

There are few dogs in the world who look more like your stereotypical cartoon dog than a beagle.

Medium-sized, with big floppy ears, these gorgeous canine companions will always stick by your side and can be so lazy that they have been known to make people think that they'd accidentally adopted a cat.

Along with their cliché appearance and ridiculous ears, few dogs come close to beagles in terms of loyalty and protectiveness. Beagles will happily play with children, will love to romp, but will be incredibly low-maintenance and straight forward, making them great for inexperienced dog owners.

5. Labrador

Labradors are some of the most photogenic dogs in the world.
Labradors are some of the most photogenic dogs in the world.  © Unsplash/Samuel Thompson

Labs are beautiful blond or black dogs with floppy ears reminiscent of beagles and bright friendly eyes.

While labradors don't have nearly as wildly friendly a personality as your average golden retriever, they certainly come close enough to merit a mention. Another absolute classic of canine kind and a perfect pooch worth its weight in gold, labradors are unbelievably gorgeous and undeniably friendly.

While maybe a little more difficult to look after than others on this list - they will require regular walks, and can be a much higher maintenance dog - if you get it some agility training and feed it properly, you'll rarely have any trouble. Labradors are the perfect beginners' dog for an owner who wants to become a serious and experienced puppy parent.

4. Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are crazy cute and funny.
Shih Tzus are crazy cute and funny.  © Unsplash/Adam Grabek

Shih tzus are toy dogs and, as a result, might seem quite delicate. This couldn't be further from reality, though!

The shih tzu is an adorable little creature, happy, and incredibly good with kids. There are few dogs happier to hang around with small children, and few dogs safer than the shih tzu, making it one of the best dog breeds for beginners.

They might seem pretty unassuming, or maybe even like they'd be yapping all the time, but most shih tzus are pretty docile and won't bark too much unless they get scared or excited. Of course, they still need to be looked after and have known to sometimes be stubborn, but these hearty little dudes are some of the longest living dogs in the world for a reason.

3. Bernese mountain dog

Bernese mountain dogs are obedient and friendly.
Bernese mountain dogs are obedient and friendly.  © Unsplash/André Dehne

The Bernese mountain dog. Honestly, just look at this dude, he's such a good boy! He's so sweet, he's so fluffy, he's so happy, he's so adventurous! Honestly, what else could you want in a doggo, what else could you want from a pet?

Bernese mountain dogs and, indeed, the next two examples as well, require more maintenance than most of the others on this list - but that doesn't make them bad for beginners.

Quite to the contrary, in fact, because Bernese mountain dogs are great for those who want a dog that they can cuddle, who will be very obedient, and who'll allow them to get plenty of exercise. The Bernese mountain dog is perfect for beginners because it is happy, calm, adventurous, and obedient. They are also great for vacation as they're adaptable, and they don't require excessive amounts of maintenance.

2. German shepherd

German shepherds might be big, but they're darn loyal!
German shepherds might be big, but they're darn loyal!  © Unsplash/Tuolu Magazine

Beautiful, big, and slightly intimidating, the German shepherd is a god among dog breeds. There are few people who haven't seen and developed an opinion on the German shepherd - some finding them scary, some finding them absolutely adorable, loyal, and intelligent.

They're also endlessly approachable, always enjoy a cuddle, and are mild-mannered - unless specially trained or provoked.

Jump in there and grab yourself a German shepherd, you won't regret it. They are great with kids, can be used as guard dogs, and don't require too much maintenance. Just keep your German shepherd well-fed, well exercised, and well entertained - and even a beginner can become a companion to this canine!

1. Golden retriever

There are no dogs more playful and perfect for first time owners than golden retrievers.
There are no dogs more playful and perfect for first time owners than golden retrievers.  © Unsplash/Helena Lopes

There is little-to-nothing that we can say about the golden retriever that hasn't already been said. They are the ultimate family dog, endlessly caring and devoted, happy to do anything with you (sleep, adventure, swim), and will always be extremely approachable and easygoing. We believe they are the ultimate low-maintenance hound.

Golden retrievers are famous for being great beginner dogs, and are often adopted by families with kids for this exact reason. Indeed, these beautiful dogs bring their looks, their charm, and their personality to every single encounter, and will always do their best to please you and look after you. You simply can't go wrong with a golden retriever!

Beginner dog breeds are important for first time owners

If you want to keep your dog safe, have it do what you tell it to, and avoid being stressed out for the next decade, it's best to avoid adopting an overly intense doggo. Non-beginner dogs like the Australian shepherd and border collie are often very hard to train, require a lot of exercise to expend their energy, and will need you to pay attention to it for a large chunk of your day.

These beginner dog breeds are perfect for those who want a relaxed dog that won't impose too much on their lifestyle. They are doggos you could take to the office, canines carefree enough to go a day without walking if absolutely necessary (though it's never recommended), and are easy to teach commands and words.

Those who choose a dog that's suitable for their lifestyle, experience, and needs will have a much better time as a dog owner. If you are a beginner, it's best to get a beginner dog breed. Happy choosing!

Cover photo: Collage: Unsplash/Alvan Nee/Ana Kai/Stephen Andrews

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