Dog adorably befuddled by Daylight Savings Time messing with his breakfast schedule

Colorado - After the start of Daylight Savings, Benny the dog simply could not accept that his breakfast was being served much too early!

After the start of Daylight Savings, Benny the dog simply could not accept that his breakfast was being served much too early!
After the start of Daylight Savings, Benny the dog simply could not accept that his breakfast was being served much too early!  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/@fernandaamiller_

In a video that his owner Fernanda Miller shared on her TikTok account, you can see her providing her pet with a bowl of food.

Benny is unimpressed by the meal, however.

Instead of pouncing on the food as he usually does, the furry friend simply looks at his owner questioningly.

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Even when she holds the food directly under his nose, the dog just seems to frown. Confused, he takes a few steps back and avoids the bowl.

The Golden Retriever simply doesn't understand Fernanda's claim that it's mealtime.

The two of them argue for a while about how Benny should finally eat something, but soon, Fernanda finally has to admit defeat.

While she continues to talk to the tired dog, he lies down next to her and lets his head fall onto her lap with exhaustion.

"He just wants to sleep," Fernanda jokes in the clip's caption.

And indeed, it seems that Benny is simply too tired to eat.

Oh, well – hopefully he can wake up in time for lunch!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/@fernandaamiller_

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