Canine culinary critic: TikTok dog samples human foods, but one makes freak out

New York - In a series of hilarious TikTok videos, this canine culinary critic shows viewers what he thinks of all kinds of food!

Kerin is a brave police dog, but he's not about to let that Jell-O get too close (collage).
Kerin is a brave police dog, but he's not about to let that Jell-O get too close (collage).  ©

Two-year-old police dog Kerin shows a variety of reactions to new foods on the TikTok channel mickmac23, ranging from surprise to anger.

His owner Maclain Palumbo regularly offers him small treats that the pup has clearly never seen or tasted before.

Sometimes he gets an olive, sometimes green beans, a kiwi, a piece of celery, or even a sour lime. Sixty food reaction videos have already been posted to the series.

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One of the latest videos went viral after Kerin decided one meal was particularly threatening: he growls at the strange red substance and pokes it with his paw, as if it could be dangerous.

The funny part is that the police dog is freaking out over a chunk of red Jell-O. His hilarious reaction is making waves, and the clip already has more than 6.2 million views and 1.1 million likes.

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Kerin is often suspicious at first, but after a while, he seems to like many of the new foods (collage).
Kerin is often suspicious at first, but after a while, he seems to like many of the new foods (collage).  ©

In the comments section below the video, one TikTok user wrote, "doggo isn't scared of drugs, bombs, criminals or guns – but jello makes him shake with fear." The comment has already received 11,700 likes for its apt description of the hilarious behavior.

Another user also jokes, "Shhhh... Don't tell the criminals his weakness! They'll be throwing blobs of jelly at him!"

Kerin doesn't usually reject every new treat: after getting over his initial suspicions, he often takes small bites and seems to like the taste – as with this piece of cheese.

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