Bambi on ice: hilarious video shows golden retriever trying to play fetch on frozen road

Internet - What happens when you let an enthusiastic dog loose on a frozen street? You get a perfectly adorable viral video!

Cake comes slipping and sliding towards his owner, desperate to deliver the sticks.
Cake comes slipping and sliding towards his owner, desperate to deliver the sticks.  © Twitter/collage/dog_rates

This golden retriever's name isn't the only sweet thing about him. Cake's adorable attempts to play fetch on an icy road have made him into an internet star.

In a video uploaded by the Twitter account WeRateDogs, the goofy canine does his best to present his owner with the sticks he found. But that's not as easy as it sounds: the ground is completely frozen over things are getting slippery.

The footage shows Cake rushing around the curve towards the camera. He's clearly excited to show everyone the branches he collected, but staying upright on the ice is proving a tricky proposition. The pooch starts slipping all over the place, but there's no stopping him. In the end, the momentum takes over and he simply slides towards his owner.

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Over 1.8 million users watched the clip, and some got wrapped up in the action: "I kept saying 'whoa! whoa! whoa!' but then he made it without falling and I could relax," wrote one person.

Dog Cake enthuses the internet

He might not be the most elegant ice skater out there, but Cake can count on a lot of fans if he intends to pursue this career in the future.

Cover photo: Twitter/collage/dog_rates

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