Abandoned dog tries surfing on for size with new forever friend!

Oakland, California - Ryan Rustan was fresh out of a toxic relationship and struggling to find his footing when he found a small abandoned dog on the side of the road in 2011. He's since taught the little pup about his passion for surfing, and now the pair ride the West Coast waves together!

Ryan Rustan (r) was going through a lot privately, then he met an abandoned dog who changed his life for the better.
Ryan Rustan (r) was going through a lot privately, then he met an abandoned dog who changed his life for the better.  © Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/sugarthesurfingdog

Ryan named his new canine companion Sugar, and the two quickly became inseparable. One day, the surfer put his white mixed-breed doggo on a boogie board while playing in the pool, and Sugar took to it immediately!

After witnessing this, Ryan realized that he could share his greatest passion with the pup and decided to teach Sugar how to surf in the ocean.

His four-legged friend not only surfs with her owner, but also by herself! As reported by edhat Santa Barbara, Ryan's pup has even participated in surfing competitions specifically for dogs and unsurprisingly won every one!

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"Sugar wins every time," Ryan said. "She has a competitive edge and she’s there to win! Sugar is the 5X World Dog Surf Champ with dozens of local first place finishes."

According to Sugar's owner, the adorable white doggo has the ability to adapt to the movement of the waves and can optimize her position during a surfboard ride by sliding forward to speed up and stepping back on her own to slow the board down.

Sugar is more than just a surfing dog

Whether together with Ryan or alone, Sugar dominates a surfboard!
Whether together with Ryan or alone, Sugar dominates a surfboard!  © Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/sugarthesurfingdog

Sugar's particular surfing style, attitude, and animal courage to face the waves of the West Coast often captivates onlookers, but the dog is much more than just a surfing companion to Ryan.

In an Instagram story, he wrote that they were both "pretty lost, scared, and in pain" when their paths crossed.

"I never really felt special, the magic happened when you came into my life," he explained.

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According to Ryan, the little dog helped him through the worst times of his life, and presumably Sugar would say the same about her owner if she could talk.

Shredding the gnar isn't the human-dog duo's only passion, though! When they're not surfing, Ryan and Sugar help kids overcome their fears of swimming in the ocean.

Through their story, they inspire young children to push their limits, be brave, and find the joy of taking a dip into the ocean.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/sugarthesurfingdog

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