Dog pretending she didn't steal dinner has TikTok users giggling

Texas - It's hard to plead innocent when you're caught red-handed, or in this case, with food all over your face! TikTok cannot stop laughing over a food-stealing dog's attempts to look innocent.

This dog owner couldn't figure out what happened to her dinner until she saw her pooch's face.
This dog owner couldn't figure out what happened to her dinner until she saw her pooch's face.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/stephanie_0417

The canine named Sophie tried to play it cool, but her messy eating habits gave her away.

Owner Stephanie Pennington from Texas left her soup on the counter to defrost and walked away. When the TikToker came back to the kitchen, she was puzzled.

Her Tupperware container was open, and half of the cold soup was missing. Quite clearly, someone's been nibbling!

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In a now-viral TikTok, she asks aloud, "Who ate the soup?" Sophie comes walking in as if everything's cool, but the black pooch has soup all over her snout.

Stephanie and millions of TikTokers had no doubt who stole the soup.

This dog had soup all over her face!

Sophie has soup all over her adorable snout.
Sophie has soup all over her adorable snout.  © Screenshot/ TikTok/stephanie_0417

TikTokers couldn't get over the dog's attempt to play it cool. The TikTok video boasts more than 1.7 million views.

Thousands of commenters gushed over the dog's cute "innocent" look.

Still, other commenters jumped to her defense. One claimed, "She is innocent, the lid flew off and landed on her sweet face."

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One joked, "I think she shouldn't be questioned until her lawyer is present..."

Another quipped, "How do you not know that your dog noticed and scared away the real culprit?"

Even if TikTok is willing to believe the pooch's sweet face, the evidence points to her as the soup-stealing canine!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/stephanie_0417

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