Dog freaks out over every little thing and Instagram loves him for it
Massachusetts - A hair clip? Falling leaves? A single feather? Nothing is too small or insignificant to send Ace the Labrador into a frenzy of excited barking and hopping. His dramatic reactions have made him an Instagram star.

The three-year-old dog has his own page and given his constant surprise at everything around him, the content just keeps coming.
All that Ace's owner, Amber, has to do is to present him with an everyday object, like a plastic wrapper or a fidget spinner, and press record. The Lab is an inexhaustible source of energy, and he will twist, turn, jump, and growl at these confusing things.
The videos are made even more hilarious by the captions provided by Amber. They describe Ace's thought process, as he seems to find the world around him full of hidden dangers and baffling mysteries.
There's plenty of comedic gems to pick from on the profile.
Ace has a dedicated following on Instagram
He might not understand the world around him, but with almost 57,000 followers, Ace is clearly doing something right.
The video series "WTF am I barking at today" attracts thousands of likes and delighted comments.
In an interview with the British Daily Star, Amber insisted her pet has always been a bit jumpy: "He is skittish so he barks at anything that is out of place or unknown to him!"
The list of unknown things is probably still very long, so we can look forward to many more posts of Ace freaking out.
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