Danger Down Under! Real life Crocodile Dundee fends off attack

Brisbane, Australia - An Australian man has risen to fame after he survived the scare of his life.

A 60-year-old fought off a crocodile using only a small belt knife (stock image).
A 60-year-old fought off a crocodile using only a small belt knife (stock image).  © 123RF/yatomo

An Aussie fended off an attack by a large saltwater crocodile using only a small belt knife.

The animal suddenly lunged at the unnamed 60-year-old, who was fishing on his property last Wednesday on a remote stretch of the McIvor River.

The croc managed to grab the man by the feet, 9News reported on Wednesday.

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The man began clinging to a mangrove branch, but the reptile still managed to drag him towards the water.

Reacting on impulse, the man managed to pull a small knife from his belt and stab the crocodile's head, he said.

Luck was on his side, as the animal eventually let go and sunk back into the depths of the water.

Media has now hailed the man as a survivor and a "real-life Crocodile Dundee," a la the popular film series. He even managed to drive himself to a nearby hospital.

Has was later flown to Cairns Hospital, and the extent of his injuries was not initially known.

However, the Queensland Department of Environment and Science confirmed that the wounds were consistent with the man's account, and certainly with a reptile attack.

Investigators believe a bull standing on the nearby riverbank may have lured the crocodile to attack.

Cover photo: 123RF/yatomo

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