Chimpanzee has heart-melting reunion with her baby after traumatic delivery

Wichita, Kansas - A mama chimpanzee was reunited with her baby, and the heartwarming moment was captured on film for all to see.

A mama chimpanzee named Mahale had a heartfelt reunion with her newborn baby boy, Kucheza.
A mama chimpanzee named Mahale had a heartfelt reunion with her newborn baby boy, Kucheza.  © Collage: Screenshot/YouTube/SedgwickCoZoo

The Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita has welcomed a new baby chimpanzee to its animal family, and while the baby boy is adorable as ever, the moment his mother first laid eyes upon him was everything.

The new chimpanzee's mother, whose name is Mahale, gave birth to her baby via C-Section, and due to experiencing some labor complications, she was separated from her newborn for nearly two days.

However, Mahale the chimpanzee was finally reunited with her new baby boy named Kucheza, and the Sedgwick County Zoo got captured the heart-melting moment on video.

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Upon entering the room her newborn is in, Mahale seems a bit apprehensive and unsure. But once the baby chimpanzee began to raise its little hand, Mahale swoops in, grabs her baby, and begins to cradle him on her chest.

One of the zoo's employees can be heard saying, "Good job, Mahale!" in the video, and it seems that the mother was experiencing a sense of relief and utter joy when she saw Kucheza for the first time.

According to the zoo, Kucheza stands for "play" in Swahili, and we're sure this little guy will have a lot of playing in his future!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/YouTube/SedgwickCoZoo

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