Sleepy cat gives noisy sibling serious side eye: "If looks could kill!"

Canada - This cat's hilariously grumpy reaction to his Bengal kitty sibling's raucous bedtime antics has got TikTok users in stitches!

This cat's hilariously grumpy reaction to his Bengal kitty sibling's raucous bedtime antics has got TikTok users in stitches!
This cat's hilariously grumpy reaction to his Bengal kitty sibling's raucous bedtime antics has got TikTok users in stitches!  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@threenawtycats

Amanda Araji often posts videos of her three cats – Guccie, Lindo and Prince – to TikTok, but one recent video has her followers a-buzz.

The clip shows Guccie the cat trying to sleep in his bed while his Bengal sibling Lindo happily (and noisily) runs on a cat exercise wheel.

With 55,000 views on TikTok, it's safe to say that the video is a hit!

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These two cat's hilariously love-hate relationship is one of the big draws of the page, and the Bengal cat's excessive energy is a part of that "odd couple" dynamic.

At some point Araji figured out that a giant exercise wheel helps to tire out Lindo so that he doesn't keep everyone up all night with his zoomies – but it looks like Guccie's still not a fan of the process this time around!

"The meowing while walking on the wheel happens quite often," Araji told Newsweek.

"Normally Guccie doesn't seem to mind it, but the one time he put on a grumpy face while this was happening I decided to share it. I thought it was kinda funny."

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A giant exercise wheel can help tire out Lindo the cat so he doesn't keep everyone up all night with his zoomies.
A giant exercise wheel can help tire out Lindo the cat so he doesn't keep everyone up all night with his zoomies.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@threenawtycats

Commenters couldn't stop laughing at Guccie's hysterical death stare at Lindo!

"If looks could kill," wrote one commenter as another pointed out "the literal side eye" from the long-suffering Guccie.

"Plotting the accidental demise of your sibling. It's a family thing," a third commenter joked.

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And Lindo's exercise wheel hijinks aren't an isolated incident, either!

One TikTok user wrote that their own Bengal cat "decided it was a good idea to walk on the wheel and yell after midnight."

"[It] went on for months," they added. "I had to collapse it at night."

Which cat do you most relate to in the viral video – Guccie or Lindo?

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@threenawtycats

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