Rescue cat's morning routine gets wet and wild on TikTok!

Cuijk, Netherlands - This elderly rescue cat's morning ritual shocked his new owner and has amused millions on TikTok. Why? This crazy kitty likes to start his day by taking a shower!

Dominique and her cat Willem.
Dominique and her cat Willem.  © Screenshot/TikTok/dominiqueiftekaralikhan

As soon as Dominique locked eyes with the ten-year-old rescue cat Willem, the two connected.

"I took him home, and from that moment on, we have been inseparable," Dominique said.

Willem was in bad shape when Dominique rescued him. The old cat had been cowering in a corner and was covered in filth.

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"He was completely pushed away in a corner. The other cats were very dominant," she told Newsweek. "He didn't even dare to go to the litter box and was completely covered in urine and feces. He didn't wash himself, either. I felt so sad."

Dominique knew she had to bathe the cat, but she was nervous: "I wanted to wash him. But I didn't want him to experience too much stress. But when he saw that I had a shower, he couldn't resist anymore," she said.

It turned out that Willem had a shocking secret that's unsual for felines: He loves water.

In the caption of her now-viral clip of her cat's morning routine, Dominique writes, "I was speechless the first day."

Now, the rest is history: the internet is in awe of this cat's love of showers.

Do cats really like showers?

Dominique was shocked by her cat's reaction to the shower.
Dominique was shocked by her cat's reaction to the shower.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/dominiqueiftekaralikhan

Not only does the orange and white rescue cat jump into the shower by himself, but he enjoys getting soaked.

Dominique explained that after the first wash, "He even started whining at 5:30 in the morning, wanting to take a shower."

The TikTok of Willem in the bath now boasts over 4 million views.

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"He prefers to take a shower every day. I try not to allow it every day because it's not very good for his skin. But I can't always resist him — and his screams," Dominique shared.

Usually cats don't need baths, but clearly this one's a little different.

For more on exactly how to bathe your pretty kitty, here are some tips!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/dominiqueiftekaralikhan

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