Real-life Sylvester and Tweety: parakeet loves to annoy his feline frenemy

Putilkovo, Russia - Have you ever wondered what Tweety Bird and Sylvester the Cat would look like in real life? This unlikely duo seem are as close as you'll ever get to an answer.

This little bird loves prancing around on the cat's head.
This little bird loves prancing around on the cat's head.  © Instagram/Screenshot/krasota.kota

The short clip on krasotakota's TikTok channel may feature a parakeet instead of a canary, but the energy is just the same.

As the cat relaxes on a bed, it is joined by a lime green feathered friend who's up to no good.

The little bird hangs out on the cats shoulder for a bit, before moving to the top of its head and frantically rocking back and forth.

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Dogs Tennessee man shot in bed by pet dog

At this point, many viewers are probably holding their breaths. As the cat turns its head and gives the parakeet a threatening look, everything seem to hang in the balance.

But don't worry! Instead of attacking the little troublemaker, the long-suffering feline just gives it a sniff.

The video cuts off there, so there's no guarantee things didn't escalate again from there.

Parakeet climbs on cat's head does a little dance

TikTok users are absolutely in love with the duo!

TikTok users all over the world adore this unusual couple.

By now the video has been watched almost four million times and the comment section is filled heart emojis and gushing replies.

"This is the cutes thing I've ever seen," one user wrote and another agreed: "My god that's so incredibly sweet!"

"It seems like your cat is a vegetarian", a third one joked.

Cover photo: Instagram/Screenshot/krasota.kota

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